
Let it Go!

How I purged my closet and you can too.

by Aonika Laurent Thomas

Full disclosure: I still have the fetching outfit that I wore the night I met my husband. I still have my senior year cheerleader uniform just to prove to myself year after year that I can still fit into it. Perhaps I think someone will want to put it in a fashion museum and charge a fee to come see it. I do have really wonderful pieces.

That said, there comes a time to let it go! It’s hard to say goodbye to pretty things. My closet is my mini-mall filled with all the things that make me happy: evening gowns, midi dresses, vintage wraps, suits, pumps, and leathers. I could go on. I had to learn to purge and it feels so good.  With a little help from a bottle of Catena Zapata Malbec and trusted friends, I got the job done.  Here is what we did.

We let go of the less expensive trendy pieces and accessories. I argued, this stuff is making a comeback. The truth is, it all comes back, but by the time this happens, we’ve forgotten it’s in the closet or the cheap pieces don’t hold up. Let it go!

I tried on things I haven’t worn in ages. If it didn’t fit perfectly, we tossed it. Don’t wait around for weight loss or gain or the trip to tailor that wasn’t important a year ago — it still isn’t today.

Anything that needs repairing, mending, or sewing was thrown out. Okay, I kept a silk pussy-bow blouse that was missing buttons. I swear, I’ll sew it tomorrow.

We went through each piece and asked one simple question: Will I wear this again? If the answer is no, it must go!

Another question I asked was, do I feel confident wearing this? Of course I would say yes — I’m that girl. But the truth is, some clothing just feels more amazing than others. No spark? Let it go.

We set aside high-end items to sell on consignment and a pile to donate to women’s charities such as “Dress for Success.” Anything else we threw away.

If I can do it, so can you! The purge should happen at least once a year. I did not throw away my powder-blue Michael Jackson Dancing Machine pants. They still fit, it’s vintage, and I do a mean robot when I wear them.

5 Comment

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  1. Thank you for this article, I am so guilty of holding on to the old. I am going to go home and “let it go”

  2. I’ll give it a try, I might end up naked but I’ll try it out haha????????

  3. I’m going through that right kow.I got rid of one BIG bag already, I’m working on bag #2. It’s not easy.

  4. I’m getting ready to start my purge! I’ve held on too lots of things for to long and now I don’t have room for anything and I haven’t wore over half the items in my closet in the past 2-3 years….TIME TO PURGE!!!

  5. Gotta let it go!!! Buy something, get rid of something. Thank you

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