
Steve is back! Now streaming on Facebook Watch.

You can’t keep Steve down! He’s back on his stage with the show you love, and now it’s exclusively on Facebook Watch.

Watch here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/SteveHarveytv/videos

94 Comment

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  1. Hello, where are the live shows tape and how can you get tickets?

    1. Thank you for reaching out. Please send us your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

      1. I would like tickets for the show. My 93 year-young church grandmother would love to see the show. She was so upset when the show went off the air. She isn’t computer savvy and doesn’t want a smart phone. Please let my know how I can get tickets.

        1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  2. I’m happy to see you’re back with your show’s! But how or where do I go to stream the full shows and not just the clips that is see on Facebook?

  3. I used to watch every show if i wasnt home i would record but now I want be able to watch because im not a facebook user. ???????? I love u Steve thanks for the motivation and wisdom you have given me over the years i wish you nothing but greatness.

  4. Good to see your still in the game Mr. Harvey, your a true comedy legend, great person to learn things from and knows the rights to make people understand life better. Keep it going????????????????

  5. Hello I’m so excited to know that Steve is back!! Congratulations!!! My question, is he really filming in Atlanta, if so, How do you get tickets to one of the shows? Thank You!!!

  6. Hey, I was wondering how can I get tickets for your show.? I would love to go to one of your shows.

    1. Thank you for reaching out. Please send us your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  7. Where does Steve Watch film? I would love to be apart of the studio audience.

    1. Thank you for reaching out. Please send us your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

      1. Hi,
        In what city is the show filmed, please ?

  8. Good morning.

    How do we apply to be on the show. My son is a four-year old paleontologist. He became fascinated with dinosaurs at about 18 months old and has continued to love and study them.

    Thank you,
    Yanela McLeod
    Tallahassee, FL

    1. Thank you for reaching out. Please send us your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  9. I’ve been to several of Steve shows in Los Angey, how can I get tickets to his show now?

    I also have a question for Steve, how can I get to ask him?

    1. Thank you for reaching out. Please send us your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  10. How can my fiancé and I get tickets for the new streaming show omg Facebook? We are located in Los Angeles CA?

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  11. Yes I sent you an email asking about tickets to the show. I’m so glad he’s back! Please let me know how to get tickets ????

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  12. Hello how may I submit a story please?

    1. Hi Teresa, are you trying to reach the show?

  13. HELLO, i WOULD LOVE TICKETS TO THE SHOW. I hope to hear from you soon

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  14. How to participate in the show? I have a son who likes to show his talent to Steve.

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  15. Hi there, I would like to attend a taping. Are there tickets available? If so, how do I get them?

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

      1. I watched your show that aired on November 10 on Facebook. How can I get in touch with Michelle?

        1. Hi Kobla, for more information regarding Steve on Facebook Watch, visit: https://www.steveonwatch.com/

  16. Hi
    I hope you are well.
    I’m enjoying the extracts from shows on Facebook Watch. How can I watch the full shows in the recent line up. I’m in Poland.

    1. Hi Guy, you can watch on Facebook Watch here: https://www.facebook.com/SteveHarveytv/

  17. I would like to get tickets to the show where do I send my email info to?

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  18. Hey I would love to purchase some tickets. May someone please let me know where I can purchase them.

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  19. I would love to come to show;however, a bigger request is my father is 92 years old and watches all that you done–talk show, family fued if you could wish him Happy Birthday from the show It would make the smile you put on his face even bigger.

  20. Hello. I would love to get tickets for the show. I’m a big fan. Steve have gave me a lot of motivation on my new journey in my life. How can I get tickets for the show?

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  21. Would like a email when tickets became available please and thank you

    1. Thanks Erika! We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  22. Steve would you give me an opportunity to perform my mission. I am working ensure #Kids love Reading and learn technology. I am a funny Grandma who loves Children. Thank you for letting me share.

  23. Hi, I would really love an email when tickets become available. Absolutely love Steve!

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  24. Hello ! I love Steve and was trying to see how I can get tickets to the show?!

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  25. I really want tickets to the show. For my mom and I

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  26. My girlfriend and I love your show and I want to surprise her with tickets, how I get a hold of them?

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  27. Hey I would like to purchase tickets to the show

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  28. Hello, I will like to purchase tickets for the show!

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  29. Hi! One of my ultimate dream is to meet Steve Harvey in person. I just love him! I would also love to get tickets for the show for my birthday weekend, May 21st. How can I get tickets?

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  30. I knew he would be back. I was wondering if we Are we able to still see the old shows? Also how can we find out what happens after Steve follows up with a former guest?

    1. Hi Kim, you can reach out to the show here: https://www.steveonwatch.com/

  31. How can I purchase tickets?

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  32. Peace and Blessings, my name is Pashance. I would love to have an opportunity to witness Steve live and ask him questions as it pertains to my journey with relationships, and my business as a young entrepreneur. Are there any tickets available, or are there other ways to meet with him? I would really love some guidance and wisdom from someone who knows what it’s like to make something from nothing. Thank you in advance!

  33. I would love to be a guess of the Show if you all would please let me know when tickets are available thank you!

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  34. Hi I am Anu from India .
    I love watching steve harvey online . I only wish to see him as living in India. Now as its streaming live ,it would be like a dream come to true to see Mr.Steve live .

    Please consider my request

    1. Hi Anu, you can find all of Steve’s videos on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/steveharvey

  35. Hi I would love e to be on the show how do I register?

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  36. Hi, I’d like tickets to the show but also would like to apply to be a guest. Is this how we send it to you via comment? Where is the page to submit your story?

    1. Hi Louisetta, thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available. For more information about our show go to: https://www.steveonwatch.com/

  37. I would love to join “Hey Steve” and have an opportunity to ask Steve Harvey a question. I would also like to join a live taping of his show

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  38. Hello. I’d like to know when tickets become available. [email protected]

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  39. I want to be on the show and ask Steve a question, can you please advise how I can get on the show and ask Steve a question?


    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  40. Hi! Can you tell me how I attend the show and what locations it will be filmed at?

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  41. I’ve been waiting all my life to get advice from the man himself, Mr. Harvey. I want to tell him my story, just to hear his advice myself in person on the show. Please do let me know when tickets will be available:)

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  42. I have a very interesting situation. How do I become a guest on the show?

    1. Hi Dru, for auditions for Family Feud please visit: https://www.familyfeud.com/audition/

      For more information about Steve on Watch visit: https://www.steveonwatch.com

  43. Hello!

    How can we attend the show? I really would like some advice from Steve.


    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  44. I would love to get tickets!

    1. Thank you for reaching out. We’ve taken down your email address and we will contact you when tickets become available.

  45. I’m a local school principal and like to hear different thoughts on life events to share with my teachers and parents. Steve has given some great perspectives about life situations. I would love to attend his show.

  46. I want to be in the audience, I have a question for Uncle Steve – how can I get tickets?

  47. Hey Steve I haven’t tried to reach you for a long time. I feel like you can relate a little bit too but I’m been going through for the last 4 years. I live in Austin Texas and I am homeless. Each day is a struggle just to survive. My boyfriend passed away July 14th 2021 and in his honor I have been fighting to make my dream become a reality. 5 years ago when I arrived in Austin I discovered a amazing little Community called Community first village. It is a village of tiny homes for homeless people which has the theme community at the heart of it. I’ve never seen anything like it before Steve I truly amazing and all inspiring place. I remember thinking if there were more places like this the world will be a better place. That day God planted a seed. And that seed began to take root and then sprout and the leaves began to grow and then flowers and that dream became a model for a self-sustaining community beginning with homelessness but not limited to only homeless people. The mission of my organization, for the people project, is to improve the lives of those within the community. It has taken me 5 years to work out all of the details but I believe the model is complete and should be able to function in any City in the world. This last year since Armando passed away I have poured my heart and soul into getting my organization recognize as a non-profit on the state level leaving me with the federal qualifications to receiving my 501c3. I don’t know where to turn and I don’t know who to ask for help. I have been a fan of yours for years you are hilarious and your story touches me because I can relate somewhat. I enjoy motivational speeches and often find myself listening to yours. Imagination is everything, it is the preview to life’s coming attractions….. I am done with imagining it and I would love to make my dreams become a reality. I would like to appear on your show to share my imagination with the world. And I truly believe that if our city governments would help to build more self-sustaining communities in the cities together Nationwide we could end the homeless epidemic that is increasing every day. Steve please please help me thank you so much and God bless you always and forever for you truly change lives and touch hearts.

  48. I’m so excited to see Steve back on our screens! He always brings such great energy and humor. Can’t wait to catch the new episodes on Facebook Watch!

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