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Coat Your Mind In Positive Thinking | Motivated

You are the captain, the master, the foreman, the general, you’re the head. Don’t give away your power to anyone, especially the devil. Do not let Satan get in your head and function because he has one mission and that’s to keep you off course and to make you think that nothing is possible… that God doesn’t hear you. You need to listen to this, stay on course.

26 Comment

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    1. Gratitude is amazing! I tried it this morning, and it changed my day for the better!

  1. Hi Steve you are an awesome person and I love your fb post and all these videos ☺????

  2. I have been having problem with my relationships, what can I do about it ? And how can I get the right man?
    Thank you.

  3. Im here lord by your words each day i give thank to the for all that her and all that coming to me.
    Won’t do it
    Thank Steve for your words of power over weakness

  4. Hi Steve
    To GOD BE THE GLORY. I can think of a lot o f things I may say are not right in my life. BUT I CAN GO ON N ON ABOUT THE BLESSINGS GOD HAS PLACED IN MY LIFE.

  5. Steve Harvey , your motivational words are so inspirational and so helpful in our daily walks in life.
    We appreciation your drive to speak these encouraging powerful words. Keep them coming.

  6. Thank you for motivating all those who pay attention to your guidance including me.

  7. The power of possitve thinking! Thank you Steve for always reinforcing this narrative!☺️

  8. This message was so meant for me this morning. I really like the way you broke this message down. Thanks for the morning inspirations, I look forward to hearing you each morning.

  9. Steve,
    I have a Gratitude journal! You are correct it keeps me positively focused on God and all the things I’m grateful for. It keeps the negativity (the enemy) out of my mind! I love, love, love your message! It’s spot on! Thank you for your heart, your positive energy and your love for Christ! Blessings to you my brother! Kimberly

  10. Hey Steve I love your comments I miss you on TV get a show back on please little big shots too

  11. Hello, Mr. Harvey, My family and I had to move in with friends this week but we are blessed. My husband and I don’t have cell phone money but we are blessed. We have very little food but we are blessed. God opened the hearts of our friends to their home. My husband has a job working with special needs people and he is 60 years old, has a lot of pain from hip surgeries I am unable to work because of a few medical problems. But we are still blessed by God, we have two talented wonderful sons a 28-year-old and a 16-year-old. The oldest is living with his wife at a church family home and the 16 – year – old is with us they too are blessed. Thank you for your words of encouragement for I know our greater is coming in the name of Jesus!

  12. Thank you Mr. Steve Harvey for this AWESOME Motivational Journey. GOD IS my all and all. Again, thanks.

  13. It’s really that simple, as Steve said and it’s the only thing that works!!!


  14. Does Steve Harvey ever go on the road to other states? He is wonderful and I would love to see him sometime.

  15. Amen GOD is Good

  16. Thank you Steve and may God continue to bless you and yours….

  17. Every thing you said was true. Thank you for the reinforcement.

  18. Thank you for the inspiration

  19. Hi Steve,
    How are you keeping ?
    You know, some people need to be motivated.
    Because you’re a father, a brother, a friend, an uncle…for them, don’t stop to motivate.
    Thank you for everything you do.
    See you soon.

  20. Thanks for the words of encouragement, bro Harvey. Missed you on TV. Until next time…

  21. I appreciate you Steve , I look forward to your words of wisdom. You have changed my out look on life and how to get things done . ????

  22. Nothing but the truth God’s truth. The devil is here to kill steal and destroy and even confusion. Lord give you choices ????????????????????

  23. Uncle Steve, I have you on my vision board I know God is positioning me to meet you, and I look forward to the work we will do. Thank you for always being such an inspiration. Thank you for using your platform to not only tell your story but to give God glory.

  24. my mom is 78, seven children, 30 year career & how do I get her to realize her life is not over

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