
Discover Your Gift

There’s a difference between your passion and your gift. Do you know the difference? Before you pursue things that you’re passionate about, watch this.

13 Comment

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  1. Words for the wise I’d say and very true. Very inspirational!

  2. I love the encouragement that you give to people because it’s a blessing. I wrote my first children’s book because of it. I went through college to become a teacher but because I can’t teach in a traditional setting I’m doing it through writing. The title of my book is, But Guess What: I Can Think for Myself. Get it at or Amazon. There is music raps to this book and that is what makes it special.

  3. I love this motivation speech , thanks a lot Sir your messages have been so inspiring to me.

  4. Thank you Steve this was needed 🙌🏾🙌🏾 I remember when I song on your morning show you told me that Is a Difference between singing and sanging and that I be sanging and you can tell that this is some I’m destined to do thank you for those words forever grateful ❗️

  5. Uncle Steve You have and alway will Give Great sold advise!!

  6. Excellent and an aha! We talk so much about passion. But your operative was the word “pursue.” We pursue our God given gift and enjoy/discover the things we are passionate about. Our young people need this understanding…

  7. I so love Steve Harvey, only thing I do not like is him using the F. word and that F word isn’t fine.

  8. How does one find out what their gift is? I’m 74 and worked in an office my whole life. And I hated it!
    I want to do something I love to do, but don’t know what my gift is? I have a passion for makeup and would like to be a makeup artist. But that’s my passion not my gift. People tell me I’m a people person and I love animals.

    Thank you! Joanne

  9. This is very impressive and is a great lesson for me here in FCT ABUJA Nigeria

  10. 2) Mr Steve Harvey – You’re simply awesome. Actions in motion.

  11. “I so love Steve Harvey, only thing I do not like is him using the F. word and that F word isn’t fine.”
    Language holds Vibration..
    Did Jesus say ‘Fuck?’ (Maybe when he saw the Cross)

  12. Mr Harvey, i am strugling and fighting with my out of this world, cursed, Hollywood thriller movie material w.t.f non stop tragedy kinda life since i am 2 years old. Always got up every time life knocked me out for the country. Lately life hurted me again with my weakness my kids, my familly with life treathening problems. I was almost ready to trow the towel and leave this world, this non stop fight, this hell that i am in since way too long. Thats when i fell on your motivation videos and you gave me back Ă  little bit of fate in life. Your gift story made me understand something i already knew but way too big for me. I will try my best and see what happens. Thank you for your life-saving kind of advice you are Ă  good man.

  13. Hi! I am from Laval, Québec, Canada
    First of all i am not really good to Write in english, because i am a french speaker.
    Sorry About that!

    I just want to Tall to you a Little bit,
    I met you on video 2 Weeks ago, and from than i am looking your vidéos that confort me, IT is good for the soul to hear from good stories.

    I was born dead, but they resurected me, and here i am.53 years old later, Sill Alive, and looking for my gift…i hear you saying to me ..”Lady you are Alive” you are right but i would like to Do something with IT.
    I walk with canes, but driving my car…
    Leaving in my own appartment.
    Trying to Work…but had a boss Who once i was hired…give me a t-shirt of the company, but when the subvention took end…he asked me to bring back the t-shirt.

    Anyway…only ro Say thank you for helping others….God Bless you and your family

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