Follow Your Hidden Path | Motivated
God doesn’t reveal your path to you. He gives you a vision of what it could look like but not the route. If he did you’d probably turn around. You would probably quit if you knew what you had to get through to get to where he had for you to go. Just look at my story, severe stuttering problem, homeless, slept in my car for 3 years… It’s no way I would have quit my job to do comedy if I knew I would have to go through all that I did to get to where I am today. I would’ve never quit my job. God doesn’t show you all that, he just gives you the dream and if you are bold enough to chase the dream he’ll get you through the journey. Don’t quit in the middle of the journey, God is in the making dreams come true business. God made it happen for me and he’ll make it happen for you.
you’re motivational speeches are really helping me through a rough time in my life right now. I’m currently 18 years old have so many goals and things i want to accomplish and have for myself but things aren’t going so well for me. Your motivation videos randomly came across my feed and has been helping me and encouraging me to go after the things i want in life and I just want to say thank you. Your truly an amazing person and I really look up to you and thank you for being the person you are.
u go girl
I just got onto your videos, Steve, and they are the flint I needed right now!????
????! I just finished a year long battle with breast cancer. It is my 3rd one and the roughest! 5 mos chemo, #1 of 2 surgeries in November, which was a Second mastectomy. First was in 2010 which was 8 years after 1st battle of a lumpectomy in 2002. And Dec/Jan, I just finished 25 rounds of daily radiation. I am 72, and I know I only made it by our Lord’s graces! Amen! So today I am ready to bust out into my gift! I always try to give a smile and a bit of inspiration when given a meet with someone new or followers on FB. So after hearing you today I wl begin my vision/dream board. Got to set my course and I have faith that Jesus will send the packages, but I have to be ready for the deliveries, at His appointed times. I DO Live on Faith Blvd! I have enjoyed your entertainment for years, Steve, and caught glimpses of your faith-focused living; but today I saw how Deep your Faith River runs! And I love it!????????????????????????
thanks so much
Whatever Steve Harvey has to say, he makes it simple and very easy to understand. Thanks so much for your encouragement.
I am 76 and started blogging two years ago. I believe I can make something big come out of that with my ability to encourage people and sometimes help them solve their problems. And make money out of it all if possible!
Still looking for ways to achieve that.
I ama visitor to your wonderful country.