
Joy In The Journey | Motivated

Success is hard. Not being successful is hard too. Let me tell you the difference between the two.

Difficulties are a part of your journey to success but there is joy in the journey to success. Don’t block your blessings, celebrate your wins along the way.

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  1. You know I got scammed out of money cuz some one got into one of my closet friends account and started texting me with his name and I thought it was him and I sent him money thinking that he actually needed it and I went to call him first and he did not answer then I got a text saying he just had some work done to his ear drums so he could only text. I say this to say that when you are on the road to success people will do anything to keep you back but just keep on trusting in god and it will be alright. To the people who took the 1700 from me will not benefit in life on nothing they try.

  2. Thank you Mr. Harvey,
    I listen to your words of wisdom and it made my day turn completely around. I so appreciate you sharing. This message was for me today. I was sitting, crying about how others are treating me because of some accomplishments I’ve made. And I listened to this clip and started thinking… I have goals I set and asked God to help me achieve if these things are for me. He has been blessing me by giving me the means and resources to achieve these goals….why am I crying? I’m unhappy, because of others. But, I’m asking for more. I still have goals on my list. Sounds crazy when I read it too.
    My new goal today is practicing gratitude and removing the negativity out of my life. It’s sad because it’s family (sad to say parents and family members)whom I love and respect. But it’s only about what I can give them and it hurts. I’ll always love and respect, just have to distance.
    Thank you again!
    BTW I live the opening of the morning show. Those clips alone have made me stronger.

  3. I would love to bring my family to your motivational speaking events. I’m married my husband 17yrs 2sons and we need you

    1. Hi Kristie, please check out Vault Empowers:

  4. Always worth it 👌 when I listen to Mr Harvey, once again, I learn an important lesson, being grateful 🙏 is a great attitude to success

  5. Absolutely!

  6. Thanks for that lesson that we all need to learn.

  7. I would like to meet you someday. I’ve been following you since I saw the Kings of Comedy show back in the 90’s. I need your help…

  8. Life is sometime like a game you play to win but you can also lose. Losing or not being as successful at times will happen but you have to know that you still have a chance as long as you keep playing. Don’t let a failure stop you from reaching your goals. As long as you have GOD in your life and you believe that he wants the best for you, you can win as long as you keep trying and stay in the game.

  9. Never heard like this before. Not being successful is very hard for me. And being disabled makes it even worse. Watching other people prosper accept me is very painful, so, yes, I agree.

  10. Hi Steve
    I started my career at the US Customs Service Los Angeles, CA in 1977 as a mail clerk.
    At the end of my Career I was a Senior Customs Inspector and one the founding
    members of the Dept of Homeland Security.

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