
Love The Mornings | Motivational Talks With Steve Harvey

At the time I didn’t know it… but God was preparing me for something big. Sometimes things can look bad but God is behind the scenes lining things up for you.

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  1. I just live watching you it really does give me inspiration. We have a lot to talk about I would love an opportunity to be on your show. I am in the business of life insurance the one thing no one wants to speak about the big D word. Let’s talk about it let’s stop being in the business of Go Fund me accounts, let’s build generational wealth in poor communities. Give me a chance Steve I would really appreciate it.

  2. Love the mornings 🌄

  3. Mr. Harvey, today at six am, I listened to your testimony saying that it was worth for your relationship with GOD. Your whole testimony was mine too, because when I had no one else, GOD was always there. GOD is my EVERYTHING, and although I made appears poor to some people, GOD provides everything that I need. I just was so surprised to hear you being so inspirational, especially after I had read about you and Monique. Your testimony verbatim word for word was the same as mine and it brought tears to my eyes. I don’t want anything, just saying thank you and have a great day.

  4. I absolutely love getting up in the morning , the day is so long and prosperous when you get up and start your day when the sun comes up. I appreciate you Steve for so much, not only assuring me that these morning are just as important as I feel they are but for bringing me and my soul mate together on your show back in Chicago in May of 2016. We currently reside in Georgia and are getting up in the morning and starting our day with God and pushing for success in our businesses. You are a huge part of our lives since you brought us together and God definitely made it all possible.

  5. Love Steve Harvey’s Motivations ; this is his calling. He makes you believe you can do anything. His analogies about his life is on point. The fact that he give the almighty his praise and he spreads the word to us! God will do it every time! God gave Steve Harvey this gift because he knew he was Perfect deliver of his message.

  6. When I am a little down, I listen to Steve Harvey, either radio or Family Fued. I then am so happy no more stress, Thank You Steve for pulling me out of my stress. Joyce Bowman Miles

  7. Love your mom and talk show My My ringtone is your morning talk show everybody asked me where did you get that I say the Steve Harvey morning show I’ll tell there if you listen to the show you would know

  8. Thanks for that awesome message I really needed that

  9. Dear Steve Harvey, You are a part of mysefl. I’m up to 40% of you. Your life touched me a lot. I’ve downloaded many of your videos. I can’t stop watching them over and over. Let’s say you have impacted me. Your life is a blessing. All your sufferings were a blessing in disguise. God worked you in and out to make suite what He wanted you to be: a blessing to many others. God bless you Steve Harvey!

  10. Tell it Steve!

  11. Praise is the way I tell the Lord God that I am Thankful. With your morning inspiration you are right it helps to starts your day with positive start.

    This helps me to motivate my total day with all the inspiration and foundations that will happen as I walk through my day. Peace!

  12. 😀Yes Steve! “Great Attitude & Messagw”! “Thank you “!🙏🏿😀

  13. I enjoy Steve’s show. It’s funny and enlightening. I believe that he inspires millions of people.
    I watch his Family feud show daily. He makes people laugh but more importantly he makes his guest feel good. Even when they loose he tells them they are a great family, or they look good on tv. He’s an amazing person. Thank you

  14. Thank you Steve for motivating me. Sometimes I just want to give up throw in the towel but your stories keep me believing there hope for me yet . Thank you and god blessings on you

  15. Thank you Steve I need this I didn’t have the words on how to say it but like always you said it perfectly. I started a new job that I had to be at work at 6 am but I was up at 4 am 10 min away. I have never worked a job that I tried so hard to be apart of the team. I actually cried from how I was treated that I started crying out to God I can’t take this Lord, lead me I need a job he heard my cry and I will start my new job next week. When you have been homeless with a teenager and you finally get your own place you do what you have to do even if it means to be mistreated and belittled

  16. You save my life, every day. I love you and your family. God bless you.

  17. You “are” a great inspiration to me… I had a “rough” life… But I made it through, with inspirational people in my life, and continue on making it through. I have Brain Fog now. I could just “give-up”… But I have too many “Blessings from God”, to give up now. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom. I have a book I wrote about my life story, but one thing about me, most of the time, for some odd reason, I don’t finish what I started. Maybe you might be able to give some advice on this subject. Have a wonderful day, Mr. Steve Harvey… You deserve it

  18. I just love the show every morning .The laugh every morning .

  19. Steve, you make my day, Monday thru Friday. You are a true inspiration!!! Please keep me in your prayers. My truck has been broken down now for four months, I haven’t been able to leave my home. I keep the faith, but this is about to get the best of me. Sincerely, Grace Baker Lafe, Arkansas

  20. Hi Steve Harvey
    I’m Betty Alicia
    I’m living in Australia Sydney, believe me every single days I’m watching your shows from Monday to Friday and you’re really God gives and inspiration to me especially when you are doing family feuid in Africa that really inspired me a lots

  21. Thank you Steve for always having an on-time word, being an inspiration to those of us who have an ear to hear and incline to the wisdom God has given you.

  22. Hi Steve Sir
    How are you ?
    I will tell you i listened to your almost all the time when i am free and it really motivates me .
    I was bad at waking up in the mornings but when i listened this , it changed me really. And almost every morning i repeat your saying about Rich people dont sleep eight hours a day it really give me so much motivation.
    I am a huge fan honestly.
    And you are such a great sole.
    And all i want to thank you for changing my life.
    Thank you Steve Sir
    Love from India

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