
Positive Word | Motivational Talks With Steve Harvey

This is a game changer. Do this and see how it changes your life.

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  1. Jeremiah 31:3 “Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love”. Jer.29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you thoughts of peace and not of evil,” Steve thanks for expressing that unconditional agape love in all you say and do. You’re an inspiration and you bring comfort to people trying to be successful in life.

  2. Thank You Steve for being you. You are a positive light that shines on the whole world.
    You make us laugh , give hope and are an inspiration . Many blessings to you!

  3. Thank you Mr. Harvey for a one word motivational advice. STOP SAYING I “GOT TO” AND BEGIN TO SAY “I GET TO”! A very simple game changer; as you would say!
    I’m from Bermuda and while in University in New Jersey, I listened to your radio show. So much that your intro jingle was planted in my head. Mind you I was ticked off when you made fun of my little island. But, God has changed you to be an uplifting motivational speaker! As you always say “God changes things!” Thanking for being on the HOP train! God’s love is abundant. Be encouraged!

  4. Thank you for that! I needed it today!

    1. You get payed to save lives Mr. Harvey.

  5. Thank you for the reminder ! Another game changer instead of saying – Don’t forget / say remember ! Remember your lunch , remember to sign up , remember to call ect . It programs the mind in a positive instead of negative!

  6. You have inspired me and made me laugh for years. I guess the fact that you resemble the love of my life, who has now passed into the other dimension with God, has influenced me, but I sense your kindness and watch the repeat Family Feud shows whenever I can (in Canada). Bless you and those you love always.
    A thought, do you think it would help bring more understanding re the differences of people, if all non black people were offered to wear a badge that says “BLACK LIVES MATTER”. Maybe adding another slogan like “as do ours” with it . I just think we are missing simple messages that could help all of us. I am 84 and white and my interracial relationship and ultimately marriage started in the early 60s. Wish you, Steve Harvey, would give your opinion on my comment. Am I way off base or what?

  7. When I wake up every morning I give thanks to GOD for another day. Mr. Harvey, you’re words I hear and used them everyday in helping me to move along to something better, I recently lost my job at Ford Motor Company and guess what? I wasn’t even remotely worried, I said “self, pull your big girl pants on and get back up and move on to something greater” and that’s what I did, I’m less stressed, I still feel good about myself and I’ve re-channeled my energy to starting my own business and in the process found a better job that I was a great fit for. Your words help so many just like me….Keep being you as you’re a true inspiration to us all….We Love You in Detroit. Amazing Angela 67′

  8. Steve Harvey is the TRUTH. He inspires so many of us. He has had an amazing life and is now ready to reap the benefits. Why would anyone in their right mind quit a job that they love? It is insanity!!!!. Who amongst us can say that we have a job that we cannot wait to get up and go to; not many. So, when God gives you a gift like that, do not blow it.

    Thank you Mr. Harvey for making me see that although not rich in money I am rich in health, family, and friends.

  9. We mess up in being so focused on moving to the next because we don’t like the pain or discomfort of the “NOW” And we lose focus of the lesson Which keeps us there longer than we want to be.

  10. Thank You, for those words of Encouragement. May God continue to Bless You & Keep You!

  11. los amo a todos

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