You feel that? That’s the beat!
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You feel that? That’s the beat!
Those of us who are not attractive men just have to embrace that 🤣😂🤣
I have some simple advice for newlyweds 😂😁😆Pay close attention!
I didn’t have Mexican food until I was 28 years old. Cause I’m from the hood… Cleveland. There wasn’t any Mexican food, we had Chinese food but that was it. I did a comedy show in El Paso, Texas once and all hell broke loose in the restaurant when I ordered ????????????
Every man should go at least twice ????????????Once to get it out your system, twice to enjoy ????????????After that stay out of strip clubs!
My Daddy was one of the top cussers in the country. Top 5 cussers of all time ???????????? My father taught me how to cuss, I’ve been cussin’ since I was 4 years old. Well… I got a lot of whoopins for cussin’, now I make a lot of money for cussin’.
Watch what happen when my Momma’s church friends came over for bible study ????????????
My father would have friends over and play comedy records back in the day. I memorized Rudy Ray More aka Dolemite’s ‘The Signifying Monkey’ when I was 10 ????????????If you know old school comedy records, you know I ain’t had no business because it was all cussing! Well my mother bought be a tape recorder one year and one Sunday she had some church ladies over… Well, you get the picture ???????????? Watch how it all went down.
I have a set of twins, my daughters graduated from Ohio State. I’ll tell you how cheap I was… I went to the school and asked for a discount ????Can I get 15% off? I’m bringing two kids ????????The school said no, I flipped a coin and told my daughters… heads, you go… tales you go.. They start crying talking about I thought we were going to school together. I SAID YOU IDENTICAL TWINS, you go to class one day… you go the next ????????????I can’t do it!
My daughter texts me WYD… I look at my phone, I’m like what is a whattie? ????????????I didn’t know what that was, all I could think about was all the money I spent on private school and my daughter can’t even spell ????????????I found out what it meant… What the hell you mean, what am I doing? I’M AT WORK ????????????Stop texting me in the middle of the day! I’m WORKING!!
I keep telling my kids “STOP LEAVING YOUR KIDS OVER HERE” ????????One of my grandkids wanted to watch cartoons, I wanted to watch SportsCenter. You should’ve seen me trying to tell her that it was a commercial after watching highlights for 20 minutes ????????????I just be lying to them, my wife gets so mad.