Hilarious Harvey Family Moments!
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Hilarious Harvey Family Moments!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
You Eat Chicken Feet?!? Long John The Comedian Explains!!!
If you’ve ever been there you know what I mean 😁😆😂
Anthony Hamilton joins Steve Harvey for Mentoring Mondays.
God puts everything in your imagination. It’s a preview of what’s to come. God is in your imagination, not your paycheck. He ain’t in your current set of situations. You’re gifted, here’s how you become successful.
You have got to start thinking higher. The bible says a man is as he thinketh. If you want to be successful, you have to change your mindset if you want more from life.
If you are having any trouble wondering if there is there a God. Go see the Smokey Mountains, drive down I-40 through North Carolina right outside Asheville. It ain’t nothing like it on the planet, seriously, you’ll quit breathing.
If you can do that and don’t believe in God after that… It’s just something wrong. God is everywhere. Just look up.
My father was my biggest supporter. Fathers, sometimes our children just need that one moment of our support to guide them in the right direction or launch their dreams. Here’s a story of how my father did that for me.
Every morning I wake up and thank God that I’m alive. I have a journal, a daily devotional called “Jesus is Calling” and a New Living Testament Bible. I ask God to show me what I need to learn today. Make time to do this.
Gratitude is the number one principle of success. The more grateful you become, the more things God will give you to be grateful for.