Hello Steve,I am indeed one of your biggest fans you are definitely what we refer to as a heart of gold because you have a good heart God bless you and your family always
I’m so proud of u as a mother with 3 black son as a single mother you light up my day I pray u continue to be bless and everyone around you will to be bless thanks you.
Great laughter, as usual, Steve Harvey the greatest Comedian of this time, I’m 80 years old and nobody makes me laugh harder than Steve, out of all the Comedians in the world, I would like to meet Steve in person, saw him live in Atlanta, Absolutely the GOAT
Mr. Harvey, I’ve written at least 65 poems. This pi’s just for you. I hope that you see it and that you enjoy it. If I could hear you say that, I’d be the happiest woman in Georgia!
Linda Robinson-Sharrieff shewrites55@gmail.com
Steve Harvey
The Best Part of Cleveland
A man was born in January
Of nineteen fifty-seven
Special from the very start
A gift to us from Heaven
His parents named him Broderick
But most folks called him Steve
Exercising incredible faith
From the beginning, he believed
We know that God is with him
He’s been there from the start
Not only is he gifted
But Steve’s a man with a heart
Did I mention he’s from Cleveland?
And for a long time, he was broke
At one point, homeless
And sleeping in his car
I’m from Cleveland
It ain’t no joke
Not only did he persevere
Nothing shook his faith
He worked so hard
And trusted God
And one day he got his break
His accomplishments are incredible
The Steve Harvey Morning Show
Amazing Stand Up Comedy
The funniest man I know
Family Feud and Little Big Shots
His presence as a Host
No matter what he’s doing
We love him – He’s the most!
A man with a big heart
And a lot of faith
And one day he arrived
His humor and his wisdom
Has touched so many lives
He’s down to earth
He serves and yields
To a power greater than he
Showering the world
With love he shares
With his beautiful wife, Marjorie
I’m almost done
But before I close
And this is from the poet
For so many reasons
I love, you, Mr. Harvey
I’m letting the whole world know it
If I ever get a chance
To work for the man
That made it out of Cleveland
I’m following him
Wherever he goes
And I promise you
I’m not leaving!
Hi Stevie Have how to aplay and com to your show and play the game for the community I’m staying around sleeping with out food children no going to school no shoes nothing please help me
The only ones that look anything like Steve Harvey are #2&3 and the others are delusional along with those who try to trick them into thinking that they look anything like him. I think that Steve is just faking it to make them feel good because, he knows that there is no resemblance whatsoever other than they have a mustache.
Well….maybe just a little bit, but really, I don’t think anyone who’s ever seen Steve Harvey would mistake one of those gentlemen for the one, the only…STEVE HARVEY. But it’s all in good fun.
Number 2 and three look more like Steve Harvey. The others could just be cousins. If Steve wanted to go some place and not be bothered he could hire number 2 and three to impersonate him. My father lived in Washington, DC before I was born, after I moved to Maryland I met a man who looked exactly like my brother David. I spoke to him and told him that he looked like my brother. He said lets just be related. I never saw him again but I remember his response. He knew something that I didn’t.
Hello Steve,I am indeed one of your biggest fans you are definitely what we refer to as a heart of gold because you have a good heart God bless you and your family always

I enjoy your show! I missed you when they took your talk show off!!
May God bless you!!
I’m so proud of u as a mother with 3 black son as a single mother you light up my day I pray u continue to be bless and everyone around you will to be bless thanks you.
Great laughter, as usual, Steve Harvey the greatest Comedian of this time, I’m 80 years old and nobody makes me laugh harder than Steve, out of all the Comedians in the world, I would like to meet Steve in person, saw him live in Atlanta, Absolutely the GOAT
Steve Harvey
The Best Part of Cleveland
A man was born in January
Of nineteen fifty-seven
Special from the very start
A gift to us from Heaven
His parents named him Broderick
But most folks called him Steve
Exercising incredible faith
From the beginning, he believed
We know that God is with him
He’s been there from the start
Not only is he gifted
But Steve’s a man with a heart
Did I mention he’s from Cleveland?
And for a long time, he was broke
At one point, homeless
And sleeping in his car
I’m from Cleveland
It ain’t no joke
Not only did he persevere
Nothing shook his faith
He worked so hard
And trusted God
And one day he got his break
His accomplishments are incredible
The Steve Harvey Morning Show
Amazing Stand Up Comedy
The funniest man I know
Family Feud and Little Big Shots
His presence as a Host
No matter what he’s doing
We love him – He’s the most!
A man with a big heart
And a lot of faith
And one day he arrived
His humor and his wisdom
Has touched so many lives
He’s down to earth
He serves and yields
To a power greater than he
Showering the world
With love he shares
With his beautiful wife, Marjorie
I’m almost done
But before I close
And this is from the poet
For so many reasons
I love, you, Mr. Harvey
I’m letting the whole world know it
If I ever get a chance
To work for the man
That made it out of Cleveland
I’m following him
Wherever he goes
And I promise you
I’m not leaving!
Linda Robinson-Sharrieff
Created for and inspired by Mr. Steve Harvey On ©️
August 28, 2019
I know I said I’d follow you
I promise you I won’t
We’ve been advised
Don’t go outside
I promise you
I don’t
I’m 65
I follow no one
No matter where they’re going
Crazy pandemic
Just wanted you to have this poem
Mr. Harvey, I’ve written at least 65 poems. This pi’s just for you. I hope that you see it and that you enjoy it. If I could hear you say that, I’d be the happiest woman in Georgia!
Linda Robinson-Sharrieff
Steve Harvey
The Best Part of Cleveland
A man was born in January
Of nineteen fifty-seven
Special from the very start
A gift to us from Heaven
His parents named him Broderick
But most folks called him Steve
Exercising incredible faith
From the beginning, he believed
We know that God is with him
He’s been there from the start
Not only is he gifted
But Steve’s a man with a heart
Did I mention he’s from Cleveland?
And for a long time, he was broke
At one point, homeless
And sleeping in his car
I’m from Cleveland
It ain’t no joke
Not only did he persevere
Nothing shook his faith
He worked so hard
And trusted God
And one day he got his break
His accomplishments are incredible
The Steve Harvey Morning Show
Amazing Stand Up Comedy
The funniest man I know
Family Feud and Little Big Shots
His presence as a Host
No matter what he’s doing
We love him – He’s the most!
A man with a big heart
And a lot of faith
And one day he arrived
His humor and his wisdom
Has touched so many lives
He’s down to earth
He serves and yields
To a power greater than he
Showering the world
With love he shares
With his beautiful wife, Marjorie
I’m almost done
But before I close
And this is from the poet
For so many reasons
I love, you, Mr. Harvey
I’m letting the whole world know it
If I ever get a chance
To work for the man
That made it out of Cleveland
I’m following him
Wherever he goes
And I promise you
I’m not leaving!
Linda Robinson-Sharrieff
Created for and inspired by Mr. Steve Harvey On ©️
August 28, 2019
I know I said I’d follow you
I promise you I won’t
We’ve been advised
Don’t go outside
I promise you
I don’t
I’m 65
I follow no one
No matter where they’re going
Crazy pandemic
Just wanted you to have this poem
#3 is the one

Steve Harvey you the best bro.
Kingdom of Bahrain

May you please share Steve Harvey ‘s jokes with me, I really like this guy
a lot….
Hi Stevie Have how to aplay and com to your show and play the game for the community I’m staying around sleeping with out food children no going to school no shoes nothing please help me
Mama was rolling stone where ever she laid her dress was her home all was left was sons
It is said, everyone has a twin, Steve, you have several!!!

keep these men on file, so if you need a stand~in.
That was awesome and funny.
Life is short cheer up!
…”Don’t gring the Lord in this one!”
Hilarious, love love Steve’s work ethics.
He doesn’t look anything like Steve at all
Some comedy and much needed joy!
# 3 is the closest look to steve.
Steve Harvey is my favorite comedian and, as far as I know, a good role model.

LOL Steve, you are the funniest man alive today!!! I love you and your family
That last one was so damn funny
super duper cute
there is only One: Steve Harvey !!!!! Period. LOL>LOL>
The only ones that look anything like Steve Harvey are #2&3 and the others are delusional along with those who try to trick them into thinking that they look anything like him. I think that Steve is just faking it to make them feel good because, he knows that there is no resemblance whatsoever other than they have a mustache.
number 3 looks the most like you
Well….maybe just a little bit, but really, I don’t think anyone who’s ever seen Steve Harvey would mistake one of those gentlemen for the one, the only…STEVE HARVEY. But it’s all in good fun.
Number 2 and three look more like Steve Harvey. The others could just be cousins. If Steve wanted to go some place and not be bothered he could hire number 2 and three to impersonate him. My father lived in Washington, DC before I was born, after I moved to Maryland I met a man who looked exactly like my brother David. I spoke to him and told him that he looked like my brother. He said lets just be related. I never saw him again but I remember his response. He knew something that I didn’t.
Do some DNA test Steve they are many
Number 2 looks the most like Steve to me both handsome fellows
Hi Steve the first one look more like you
I don’t think so, the Lord broke the mold when he made you, at least they tried

This made my day, please send more videos .Absolutely hilarious!