
Wake up on the wrong side of the bed? | Motivational Talks With Steve Harvey

Wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Listen to this…

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  1. Mr. Steve, that was on point….. . THANK YOU LORD

  2. Man Steve,
    You are speaking some real facts. Thank God for a man like you. I don’t have everything I want or need, but I’m thankful for the little that I have. Am I thankful for all the no good muther-blinks that have messed me over? Heck no! But, through it all, I do believe that everything will work out for its good.
    I don’t have a job, have had surgery and both children, my mom, and the piece of a-hoe I was dealing with all turned their backs on me. But, when they were in need and many others that I didn’t even know needed me- I gave and it hurts daily that I’ve lost so much and I’ve been in darkness and have to have another procedure. And don’t have any siblings (the only child) and have no friends by choice, because I found out who they were to when I almost took my life; they a** didn’t care to return a phone call after I told them about what I was facing, but let them needed someone to talk to or just some encouragement; it was me willing and openly to answer their call or gave them a call just to check on them.
    I can honestly say “you’ll find out who your family and friends are when your back is against the wall. Or, you stand in need of something- you’ll see who’ll be there for you.” And the only person who have been here for me, even with me being angry and can’t see my way; nobody but God. No matter how mad I have been at him, he hasn’t given up on me even when I feel like why am I still here? I lost people I thought would still be here, and they are gone.
    Man, talk about taking out the wrong people for the no good people. I wish I could have had a chance to had those folks around, because they were the ones I could have called upon when down and out. But, now there gone and its only me and God and that’s all I have.
    Thank you Steve for your powerful words of encouragement. Everything will be alright and I know I won’t be in this situation for long, for this too shall pass by the grace of God. Continue to be a blessing!

  3. Health is the wealth today. Being grateful is part of life. Thank you Lord for this and that. God is good. God blesses you each and every day. Speak to God every day , through out the e day speaking how thankful you are. Thank You Steve , where there is two. Thank you Lord

  4. Amen 🙏🏻

  5. Outstanding wisdom from a guy who was so down in life, who now is a successful person. I learned a lot from this motivational talk. He has inspired me once again.

  6. Good Morning Steve:
    I have listened to man of your motivational excerpts, you are a great motivational speaker and have come a long way from that things that I have you speak about. God has really blessed you with a loving wife you guys look great together, and I am sure marriage is the same. I wake up everyday and thank God for waking me up and especially for bringing me back to my family from an operation that I had 8 months ago. Never had surgery in my life but that one time and 65 years old. I get what you say, everything I thank you for everything and pray about everything. So keep on making your motivational speeches.

  7. love this because god will give you everything you need if you are grateful so many blessing that you have that is a blessing from god. He states that he will never leave you or forsake you. Do right and acknowledge me and i will acknowledge you. God is so good.It good to see this.

  8. Ive been grateful am i not grateful enough?

  9. Good Morning Mr. Harvey, I bought your amazing audiobook ‘Act like a Success think like a Success’ a few years ago but I feel like I was not mature enough to grasp its full message to me. I turn 32 in September and have my mind all cleared to take in your wisdom.

    Thank you for all the inspiration. I hope to manifest my dreams through hard work, sacrifice and serendipity. Based on your philosophy about Gratitude, I now know that God wants to feel special so He blesses us in order for us to continuously thank Him.

    Thank God for you Sir.

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