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Write Your Vision | Motivated +

If you do these two things, it will change your life.

There are two scriptures that changed my entire life. If you do these two things, it will change your life. If you apply it right now, it can change your existence.

The scripture says “you have not, because you ask not.” Do you have any idea how major those words are for you? Most people don’t have the life of your dreams because you haven’t asked God for it. You’ve been trying to figure life out and handle it yourself. Well, how is that working out for you?

You have to have a vision board! I don’t know nobody wealthy, who don’t have a vision board. Scripture says “write the vision and make it plain. So he who reads it will run to it, and even though it will tarry, wait for it. For surely it will come at an appointed time.”

57 Comment

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  1. Next few months the way the world will change drastically. I can’t say yet but the world will have many questions. I’ll have the answers if you want to ask. I already know but can’t reviel. Sounds nuts I know. Time will tell. Whatever you want to know in future I’ll tell you

    1. hey Steve,is it posssible for someone from Cameroon -AFRICA to come to Your show?

      1. To get tickets to the show visit: https://www.familyfeud.com/tickets/

        1. Hi I’m Tom Murray and I stuttered to. I woke up everyday scared and when to bed scared. For 17 years. I needed to get my life together, so the only way I could do that is to shot myself in the head where I need the language part of the brain was. Now I have a job all my faculty’s and I play golf. I’m a wookie when you see me.

  2. Faith is the key. “I would have fainted , lest i believed in the Blessing of the Lord in the land of the living”. Psalm 119:9. God blesses now, not when you get to Glory, but Faith then works is the key. ” Write the vision, make it plain….” Habakkuk 2:2

  3. I love this and I am doing what Steve said right now at this moment. Thanks mr Harvey and AMEN!!!!

  4. Preach It Steve Harvey! I believe that scripture your stating is James 4:2? Anyway I’m now 59 years old and ready to Ask God for Everything ! I am of mother of three . My oldest is 32 years old and severely disabled and will always require daily care. My second oldest is now 28 years old and still act needy, but a college graduate !. My baby now 18 years old and now in college. Now it’s My Tine! For More Blessings more Finances And Love! I been singled too long doing it all by myself!
    Needless to say this journey hasnot been easy at all as a Single mom! I need some Blessings and working on my Vision Board! Thanks for being so inspirational as I am Already missing your show!
    I was hoping to come meet a date on there but I hope you will have another jump off! Because you sure enough inspired a lot of us! Especially the sisters!
    Anyway at least I can listen to you on WHUR morning show! You and gorgeous Marjorie Keep doing It! That’s on my vision board as well A-Great Husband!
    Tyra H

  5. i wanna be on the show

  6. I have watched you since your television show began to be broadcast in my area! It has been a delight to see the transformation of you personally throughout that time.
    You are so much more than a comedian, emcee, showman! I see a man that has drifted throughout his life but always set his mind on his goal! Sharing that journey has shown me that my own goals are achievable, even at my age now! Thank you, Mr. Harvey!

  7. Sometimes when you ask you don’t receive, perhaps to make you stronger. Won’t have to wait much longer to see if true.

  8. This is great I have had a vision for many years a goal I thought at 58 unable to achieve three maybey 4 things I am now a caregiver of my mom who cant be left alone at all makes it hard thank you today I will begin writting

  9. I believe on everything you say I am going to do it I am going to tell you what my Seigneur I did for me I had 2 cancer survivor he is a great God a healer I don’t have computer I can’t explain everything I had a stroke My left side paralyzed before the

  10. Dear Steve
    I am an instructor at Neumann University in Aston Pa. It is a predominately White university but the black population is growing. This year for the first time in the history of the university I negotiated for a Black Male Initiative class. Our young men needed their space to have a voice and to be treated like Winners. I gave them a CHARGE to change the profile that Black Males have. specifically at the university. The response is remarkable! They have become the talk of the university and they are handling the charge with pride. This is the year of the return. I was in Ghana to pay my respect to our ancestors and I am on the front line for change. The stars are in line and I would like a platform to help continue my work. Can we talk!!

  11. Steve, this was an awesome motivational speech! I enjoyed every word and wanted to hear more! My husband and i started a new home business that will hopefully become fruitful with Gods love. You helped me to keep my vision… you have no idea how much you help people. Thank you Steve.. so much. Have you ever heard of a company called TN? I wont spell it out.. if you have knowledge of it, you will know by the initials. If you have never heard of it… pleade, ask me, i would be honored to have you on my team.. live you Steve,
    Sheri Smith

  12. I received this in the name of Jesus. Thank you Steve. You just help change my life!!!!

  13. My vision is to see all of my grandchildren have the option to become successful, responsible adults. There are seven children who lost both parents to domestic violence. Thank God the three minors are in good hands. One of my granddaughters wants to be a surgeon! I know she is capable and I can see her successful, no matter what. My daughter would be so proud of all of them! She done good! Oldest is now USMC lifer. To God be the glory. After the storm, comes the sun.

  14. I miss your talk show Steve. The replacement is very boring.

  15. Thank you very much for that word. I needed this today.

  16. That’s very great thought from uncle Steve you’ll forever be blessed because you made a lot of people to be so blessed and god says who help others will be helped by him i almost give up in life I’m a Ghanaian living in France your speech gave me reasons upon reasons to fight for a better life and ima make it so big the vision is there but the mind is so weak but I’m up by yours inspiration speech may the good lord bless you and your entire family Uncle Steve.one of my biggest wish is to be on your show and i have a very interesting story to tell which you might love to hear and the whole world as well please help me be on your show to share this wonderful story.

  17. Good morning Steve :-). I do not “want” because I believe when you speak the word want from your mouth it just comes out and floats in the universe and does not do anything henceforth not bringing back anyting to you.. No, instead I speak desire and then I choose to have what I desire. When I desire something, the desire to have it is very strong, so then I choose to work on accomplishing whatever that desire is . So my vision bored is made “desires” and “choosing”. I may not receive all I desire and choose to have but at least I feel peace Within Myself knowing I worked as hard as I could to accomplish my desires. When I do not receive what I “desire” and “choose” to have I just tell myself that’s not what God “desired” and “chose” for me to have.
    Thank you Steve for your wisdom.


  19. God brought me here today, and I thank God for you, Steve Harvey!!! 🙂

  20. I miss your show Steve. You still are The Best!! I still watch Family Feud Everyday!! I don’t watch the other talk shows . I do not like them! You are still NUMBER ONE in my book!!!

  21. Hi Steve this is Tatianna Howard

    I love this subject right here because u are perfering this message tours me… I don’t know where to start like I want to better myself I want to live my best dreams but one thing I am having trouble is furgering what I really want to do in life… I am 29 years old, no kids, Christian woman I want to go to college but I don’t know what I want to major in I need help but I will do what you say to do… Write down my dreams my goals hopefully it will help

    1. I’m glad I found your website I miss your show. I got no time for what’s showing instead. Thanks for your inspirational message. My pastor does preach on Faith, Having vision, prayer, and coming to YAHWEY God boldly. No fear here.( he is on Roku and Spotify Pastor David Gonzalez) Thank you again Mr Harvey. ( and I do have time to make out my 300 list) I do receive your message of Gods word in Jesus name. And I do receive the blessings coming to me in Jesus name.

  22. Letting go have been the best thing for me… I always heard once you release God will bring in what you need and I am at peace now

  23. thank you so much for that message on using a Vision Board. I will do this immediately. and thank you for responding to my e-mail Mr Harvey. I have always had faith and belief in God but this will surely reaffirm it. thank you.

  24. Mr. Harvey
    How wonderful for you to share with the people God’s free secret to success; no strings attached. God bless you and your family. Keep on holding on dispite the storms. I see he keeps, doing great things for you.
    Linda S. Cooks

  25. I love and respect Steve Harvey and I believe what he says! I am going to write a list and make a vision board! I’d like to thank him for sharing his wisdom!

  26. Today is September 17, 2019 and this is the first time I’ve seen this. I understand now why this show is off the air. There were more people inspired, set free and placed on a journey with God,and self, even if only to prove you and God wrong Mr. Harvey. I know also that this is what God has been instructing me to do. This was the most amazing confirmation I have received in a long time, and your show is off the air!!!
    !!!BUT God!!!
    It got to me at a time I really needed this…….Thank you so much for being a light in this beautiful world…….I never made it to a show and never have I seen you in life anywhere, but today you showed up in my life and my season though I’m 61 years old is just beginning anew.
    Thank You!

  27. To be a cook / helper

  28. Thanks Steve

  29. Thank you Steve, I needed to hear this! Act Like A Success Class of 2018!

  30. I Pray daily for my Dreams of success, which is not related to money, but rather to the service of others and to the care of my Son. I have wanted to be a Juvenile officer and try and change their lives for the better.
    My Son is a combat Veteran and is suffering from PTSD and the sudden death of his father.
    Yes I would like to have money, the money that comes with the work put in. I’m afraid of another relationship. I really need my Son to be healthy.

  31. Thank you so very much Steve for this!Glory be to God!I needed to hear this today.My favorite scripture is Philippians 4:13 “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens Me.”Have a Blessed Day

  32. Starting today I’m going to do a plan and write it down. Also a vision board. My vision board is on my phone also, it’s pictures of my niece and nephew. I’m planning on becoming there legal guardian and I plan on not failing in that next step in my life. There success and happiness is very important to me. I’m taking this journey I have faith, without it I wouldn’t be here today.

  33. You’re the best, and may God keep Blessing you. Your closing comments on your radio show, gets me through some real rough patches in my life. Can’t wait for your next talk show.

  34. Thanks for this message/teaching. Highly motivational and I must confess I needed to hear this. Came at the right time. Thanks once again. Will definitely do this just as you said Steve. God bless you

  35. Steve my daughter is in the 12 grade she have keloies they really bad ,she wear jackets in the summer to cover them she is a very beautiful young lady she keep her face covered could u please help her she don’t like going anywhere because she don’t like people staring at her please help us

  36. She will be graduating soon and she don’t even want to walk across the stage to get her diploma

  37. Steve Harvey, you’re an inspiration to me and others. I know. July 13th 2017. I got a call that I never in my wildest dream thought I would receive. Your son was shot, come to the hospital. While there waiting and crying my eyes out. They came and said sorry. We tried. From there my life changed. I stayed away 6 months from work. I lost lots of weight. The emotional toll this has taken on me is huge. Unless you’ve experienced the same loss, you can’t understand. Because of God’s grace and his mercy am still here. Thanks for words of encouragement.

  38. This got me crying because it spoke directly to me. I rewrote my dreams and became more resolute after listening to this today. God bless you Steve, I keep praying for you each time I listen to your motivational talk.

  39. WOW!! THANKS STEVE!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED WHAT YOU SAID~~ I am starting my list right now since I just saw this
    You said that so beautifully and I believe I took that completely to heart!! Now that’s what I call inspiration!! Thank you so much!! I love the positivity and great vibe!!


    1. Watch Steve on TV on Family Feud!

  41. Of course, the scripture is out of context, but the principle generally works. Stuck at 75?? No. I got stuck at #5. FIVE, Mr Harvey. I’d like to see your board (or any old one) for examples.

  42. This is very interesting . I am working on my list

  43. Dear Mr Harvey, soon as I saw your video on the 300 wish list, I did precisely that on the 300 pages of my Bible as I was reading it. I believe it’s been less than a month and already I have seen great results soon after finishing the last of the 300 on my list. It’s so fantastic I’d love to share them with you, since I need your help to make them happen. I’m a baptized born again Jesus follower. However there is an issue which I hope it won’t bother you. I’m a Muslim by first birth. If interested in my story, I’ll be very happy to tell you when in 1994 when I had my very first super natural experience as a Muslim with Jesus Christ. Then right afterwards, it all began to speedily turn into a snowball effect.

  44. […] a vision board can work for Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, and Steve Harvey, it can also work for […]

  45. I came across your video a few days ago on April 21, 2020. I am a firm believer in vision boards and creating the life we desire. But this video has spoken to me. I decided to blog about it giving your video credit. I wrote my list of 300 and encouraged my readers to do the same. In a year from that date which will be April 21, 2021 I will blog about everything that God gave me from that list. Thank you so much Steve fro your motivational videos. They are inspiring me to live my best life.

  46. Hey steve my name is Bernadette Bryant i’m a mother of 8 and i’m 57yrs. And in 1997 i lost my son to a accidental shooting it has been hard but i have been with the Lord all these years. And in 2017 i had a vision to start a non-profit orgnization called w.w.d women with dreams i have really not got serious about it but i want to help women that have been hurt in life and help them make their dreams come true. So i will make a vision to achieve my life dreams thank you for the advice.

  47. […] and motivate yourself to bring them to life. Vision boards have become hugely popular, helped by celebrities who swear by them. So popular that these days, there are even NYE vision board parties being […]

  48. Steve, how do I ask. Writing down everything. You said scripture said say what I want. So I say God I want financial security. Just like that? Or answer with a link, I love your between segment inspirations.
    Thank you

  49. […] to have a vision board…I don’t know nobody wealthy, who don’t have a vision board,” said Steve Harvey, an American television star, author, businessman, and former stand-up comedian, in one of his […]

  50. Please let me know exactly how you write each item on our Steve Harvey’s 300 list.

    Do you write ‘I want Steve Harvey’s book’ or just the item for example ‘Steve Harvey’s book’?

  51. I am a french dude.i came from Montreal qc canada.and i want to tell you youre s inspiration.i listen a lot of tv show with you.when you talk about struggling in your life.i recognize my self.everytime a desperate time i listen this and make me believe the lige can change.thank you so much .

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