
You Could Be Wrong | Motivated +

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  1. So true!!! Perfect timing for a pep talk!!! Thank You!!!

  2. Great motivational talk!!! Thank You!!!

  3. This is a confirmation of what the Holy Spirit just told me.
    I was here laying in bed and looking back at all my mistakes and asking the Lord where did I go wrong. Having a special needs son who is not self sufficient and I not being able to get enough rest. I was asking the Lord what did I do wrong and was looking back. Having my extended family talking down about me and not knowing the challenges I have faced in life. Instead of helping to build up, they are tearing down. So you can imagine my dilemma.

    You know what the Holy Spirit said to me? He said Maria, FORGIVE YOURSELF. REINVENT YOURSELF AND BE A BETTER YOU.
    I then turned on the computer and saw this in my email and decided to listen and this confirms what the Holy Spirit said. Nothing could be clearer than this.

    Thank you JESUS!
    Thank you for this encouragement Mr. Harvey

  4. You are Absolutely correct thanks Steve for Sharing words of wisdom.

  5. I choose now to do right even when it cost me. I have been through a lot, and I had to admit that I was wrong for allowing people to drive my decisions. I love the analogy that the best driver is God. I know all too well about the super natural. If I had time to testify, it is powerful what God brought me through. I lost a lot, but God. It keeps me rooted and grounded in knowing my gift to be a leader in education. Sometimes it can be tough when others do not see your value ,or worst, they judge you based on your past. I needed this word to help remind me to focus on my purpose. I refuse to be wrong… again!

    Thank you Steve Harvey!

  6. Wow !, is all I can say! I hope someone reads this and let’s me speak on the show just to say how alive God is and how real he REALLY is ! So I came home from my mothers house and as I pulled up to my drive way ; I just started talking to God Not praying but casually having words with him and the very last thing I said was “thank you for always forgiving me , even when I cannot forgive myself” and that was around 10:48pm I literally received this message at 10:56 ! You cannot tell me that this wasn’t God . It makes me feel so much better because as I’m speaking to God I literally said that I knew he was there and he was listening and I turned to my right and said “you could be sitting right here !” And literally I receive this beautiful confirmation that he was. Just for me ! It’s so amazing to know that he is in total control! The message stated everything about ME! I have so many doubts with triple reminders that I need not to be stuck on myself because I could be wrong and boy ! This was a message! Thank you Steve for blessing me with this and as you stated in the video it always comes together because of our CREATOR!

  7. Amen! Amen! Amen! GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME

  8. Thanks Steve for all your wonderful Motivational and Inspirational video speeches. Have Faith, Faith the size of a Mustard Seed. That’s what I always pass on to others.

  9. thanks Steve for sharing this , soo encouraging God bless you man

  10. You are absolutely correct Steve I Love 💕 You My Brother Thank You for sharing May God Bless You and your family More and More …
    Peace and Blessings in Jesus name
    Amen 🙏🏾

  11. I hear you Steve and yes, I could be wrong. I made a decision that impacted my children and I. Through it all GOD has kept us and I am so grateful for that. I’ve often wondered if I made the wrong decision but when I have those thoughts…GOD reminds me of what he delivered me from. I made a decision a long time ago to allow GOD to direct my path…and I will not stray from it.

  12. Thank you, Mrs.&Mr. Harvey, for sharing the Harvey’s Hundreds. Personally, I think they should be called the “Harvisms” 🙂 .

  13. Good positive inspirational and more motivated words

  14. You are so Right Steve.

  15. Thank you for this message. I never thought of the two words that is about to change my life: “reinventing myself” through the power of God.
    I do know I’m out of the darkness that threatened to take over my thoughts and direction. I also know I’m at the gate that is opened. I just didn’t know how to move forward.
    Now I know! Depending on God to “reinvent me”! To show me what is pleasing to Him for the rest of my life. He is my forerunner. In Jesus name!

  16. I so appreciate your openness to share your heart. For all the flash and fame.! You have taken us to the flavor of what is really important. So thank you again for being you and the heart to willing to tell who is really in control of what is going on.

  17. God is the answer. Believe that. Just let God. He’s in control. ASK Godand pray to him and let it go and have faith.

  18. Thank you Mr. Steve Harvey! Very motivational! You are one of God’s vessels!

  19. Good Morning MrHarvey, what I’ve Learned is God Has Been to Me Better then a Deserved!!! Nothing But Mercy& Grace Has Kept me trusting and Believing, thanxz for your inspiration Stay Blessed!!

  20. Mr. Harvey I am so enameled by your life,
    you have grown up so much Spiritually
    in the years that I have been following you. You are a very positive individual who has no problem letting people know that believe in and serve a great
    God, who looks out for you and your family. I am Sixty Seven years young and
    my work ethic is somewhat like yours.
    Although I have never had to live in my car, but I have been down and almost out But God! That is and always will be my explanation. But God had my back all
    of the time.
    Thank you for living your life for all to see. God Bless you Mr. Steve Harvey.
    A fan for life. Walter R. McDonald

  21. Very nice and very powerful thank you Uncle Steve for everything you deposited in my Life Until we Meet Again

  22. As always amazing!!

  23. 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯

  24. well said!

  25. So true!! Thank you Steve

  26. Steve. I live you & Marjorie. Admire you so much. So glad you both love & follow God with your lives. This teaching on being wrong is so cool. Best decision is to listen to God. Salient point. God know you best cuz Hes our maker.keep leading people right Steve!

  27. Steve. I love you & Marjorie. Admire you so much. So glad you both love & follow God with your lives. This teaching on being wrong is so cool. Best decision is to listen to God. Salient point. God know you best cuz Hes our maker.keep leading people right Steve!

  28. Hi Steve,
    Your words are so true .
    It’s ashame that many people are “ always right” and can never admit that they could possibly be wrong.

  29. Thanks Mr. HARVEY, I really appreciate your time and effort, wasted to share this video with me…
    I’ve learnt so much from it
    There’s no growth without change …🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

  30. Thank you Steve. I am always so proud of you. I always put God first in my life. I don’t allow anyone to come between me and my God. I do understand because everything that I am my God has always been my protector and provider. I am working on my purpose. I declare victory in every area of my life. Thanks again.

  31. Yes Steve you are absolutely correct! I could be wrong and I have been wrong , thanks for the message.

  32. Dear Mr.Harvey,

    I have been put down and belittled by blood family members and they have put themselves in charge of fate. They are have become frienemies . I have reinvented myself. They say I’m Slow never told me that I could be good on anything. I will be fine through Christ who strengthens me. Both my parents are deceased so your words which the rooted from which God empower you to convey is what I look forward too. I listened to the closing remark of the Morning Show on July 19th 2021. I decided to align myself with Christ. I really do not have much support from family since they believe I’m slow hopefully I know God will be done and things will work out…

  33. Dear Mr.Harvey,

    I have been put down and belittled by blood family members and they have put themselves in charge of fate. They are have become frienemies . I have reinvented myself. They say I’m Slow never told me that I could be good on anything. I will be fine through Christ who strengthens me. Both my parents are deceased so your words which the rooted from which God empower you to convey is what I look forward too. I listened to the closing remark of the Morning Show on July 19th 2021. I decided to align myself with Christ.

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