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You Got to Follow That Dream

Explore your imagination and identify your gift so you can stop tripping and make your dreams happen.

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  1. Easy said than done…I have always dreamt of seeing myself having a job after I finished my studies or owning a butcher shop,taking a good care of my family so my father can stop working as a night watchman at his age..some governments make it hard for us,almost 80% of youth that finished their studies are unemployed.. If you coming from a poor family, there is higher possibility that you will die poor..

  2. Mr. Harvey,
    My name is Cleophas Jones and I listen to your show every morning. I truly feel uplifted by your words of wisdom each day but one particular show really touched and inspired me. It was the show on January 10 when you shared that you attended the “Tech Show” in Vegas. I feel that God put an idea for an invention in my head 3 years ago and listening to your show made me realize that it is time for me to “Dust off my Dream” (as you say).

    On the show you spoke about individuals that may have ideas but don’t have the platform or the means to proceed with their idea. I am reaching out to you with the hope that I am able to present my idea to you and receive your opinion and advice as to how I should proceed and I would appreciate the opportunity to do so.

    You have also said that “You have Got to Follow that Dream” and the gift that God has already put inside of you. Thank you for your inspirational messages each morning, they inspire me to tackle my day. I know that “I Can Do All Things Through Christ That Strengthens Me” and after listening to your show I feel that it was a sign from God to get out there and pursue my dream.

    Thanks for all that you do.

  3. I’ve Been following Steve Harvey for a long time and using his imagination strategy for creating my dream life. It’s been challenging, yet I’ll continue in hope (faith) that what I see in my imagination will soon become my coming attraction that God has for me. Thank you Steve for being an inspiration and for your advice

  4. I’ve Been following Steve Harvey for a long time ,
    (5 years to be exact)and using his imagination strategy for creating my dream life. It’s been challenging, yet I’ll continue in hope (faith) that what I see in my imagination will soon become my coming attraction that God has for me. Thank you Steve for being an inspiration and for your advice

  5. Mr. Harvey, I was just listening to your comments at the end of your show and decided to write and say thank you. You are a man that inspires us all men and women to strive to be better and do more with our lives. I am a Registered Nurse that has been working for 25 years. But now I find myself with a desire for a new direction in life. I make handmade jewelry for men and women and I would love to get your advice on how to proceed to advertise and get my pieces and noticed. Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated. I live in a small town in Virginia and the market here is limited. Thank you in advance for any advise you may be able to provide.

  6. I like to sing, can you help me fulfilling my dreams of sing to an large audience.
    Shyrell wisdom

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