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At One Point In Time You Have To Take A Chance On You

When you take a chance on you, you're taking a chance on God!

We are all created in God’s image. When you take a chance on you, you’re taking a chance on God! We are all born with a gift at birth, use your gift appropriately in life! Your gift will make room for you! Darrius Simmons recently appeared on the #SteveTVShow, he was born with only four fingers. Darrius taught himself to play piano from YouTube, in high school he was invited to play piano at Carnegie Hall! That’s how you use your gift! That’s a perfect example of your gift making room for you!

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  1. Wow Aman I pray for strength and support to use my gift. Thank you God for day to day. Love you Mr Steve Harvey from South Africa.

  2. Steve,
    I am Neelam Chanda and I live in Sacramento California. I was born and raised in India, and came to the United States in 2001.
    I saw one of your videos, where you said ” You have not, because you ask not.” Well, I am asking you for justice. I kept telling the truth everytime and sharing my experiences based on facts. I have endured so much pain and suffering and I want just one person in America to believe me and understand my perspective before I go back home.
    One of my experience was a search in my house conducted without a warrant in 2006. When I told my husband ( now ex because he thought I was delusional. You tell me Steve, if an invasion of privacy is done, isnt that a crime? Just because it needed to be covered up, I was labeled a liar and many other things.
    In the same year, I walked round and round in Menlo Park, as if I was a guinea pig for an illegal experiment conducted without an informed consent.
    I wish to meet you, and share my personal experiences with you. What saddens me the most is, the currency says in God we trust, yet so many times the godly people chose not to give me justice. Everytime I was doing well, I had to prove my self. This has being going on for 18 years now, and I have had consecutive life events including the death of my father who I loved so dearly.
    I hope and pray that I can share my experiences with you, because I am touched by your words and remind me of my father.
    Now I live alone in Sacramento, hating myself for trusting others at face value.
    I just home I get a chance to meet you and share with you my experiences, and then you decide If I deserve justice or not. This is my dream to meet you, just to vent, instead of bottling up these feelings of hurt.
    I am trusting God, that he will give me a final chance to prove my innocence to you.

  3. Hey my name is Kermitra but people call me kermit I will love to meet u in person

  4. This is my one shot Mr. Harvey!
    I have gone through many hard trials in my life. They range from cancer at 23 years old to being homeless with two degrees and applying for over 200 jobs and no called me for an interview for three years. Watch things go away in double. Abused in marriages to the most recent was having a reaction to a drug Levaquin that caused me not to walk for a period of time. I filed for Social Security Disability and have been denied two times. In the midst of all this I wrote a book called” Poems while being processed” which is still at the publication company because once again no money to pay to get it released. What gives me hope is to know the testimonies of you Steve Harvey, Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey. I tell myself God has no respective person if He did for you all surely He will do it for me one day. I to had to lose it all to answer the call. Thank you all for being the trail blazers for many of us! You give us hope!

  5. Hello,Steve never been inspired by no one but my parents,and to see what all you’ve accomplished is incredible motivation for me.Thank you,keep doing what you do GOD BLESS maybe one day I get to meet you.

  6. You inspire me alot mr Harvey at this hard times am going through i wish all the best on how you help people am Humud from the island of Zanzibar

  7. I live in Trinidad and Tobago Ian I enjoy watching ur clips rather interesting


  9. Steve, how do you find your gift?? PLEASE!!

  10. Amen hallelujah Amen

  11. All my life, I have worked 2 jobs. To provide for myself. Never asking anyone for anything. Then at 44 yrs. Old . I met a man. After 6 yrs. I found out he was on drugs. I tried leaving him , evicting him etc… made several calls and visits to our Sheriff Dept. They wouldn’t help me. Had recordings of him and his buddy saying they would cut my throat and put me in a river. Police said because I didn’t have their faces in the videos. There was nothing they could do. After years of being scared and sleeping with my money, debit cards,keys,dentures. Etc… I mustard up the courage to leave. The police told he and I, we neither one could move anything out of the house. Until a legal separation, eviction or divorce was filed. ( we were not married ) I took a few personal items with me. ( meds, toothbrush, few clothes ) that’s all police would let me leave with. I went to work. Went back to my house next day to get more clothes. He had burnt everything I owned. The police wouldn’t do a report cause we lived together. I couldn’t file home owner insurance cause no police report. I had to start over again at 52 yrs. Old. With 3 pair pants, 4 shirts, 1 pair of shoes. It’s been so very hard. So my thought to everyone. NEVER GIVE UP. AND NEVER EVER LET A DRUG ADDICT OR ANYONE PUT YOU IN DANGER. LEAVE!!!! I STAYED FOR YEARS FROM FEAR AND NOT WANTING TO RUIN MY CREDIT. IN THE END I LOST EVERYTHING I OWN…. BUT, IM ALIVE .

  12. Yes I believe n The power of U , Steve Harvey u r AMighty Nan of God, u r a Godsend , U inspire be n a way u couldn’t imagine, I’m a single mother of six , I Conquered death 4 xs , n I’m still here , that young Man n many r inspired by u n wat u STAND 4 , continue to walk n God’s will n helping ordinary people as Us , God Sent U Steve To Help Us , much love Rona Tatum

  13. Hi Mr Harvey. I love to cook and I wanted to be a chef in my younger years but but parents couldn’t afford it, so I didn’t get to be at times I want to do food and sell but I never did hearing you say this gives me the motivation to push forward in doing it. Thank you for making me realize that I do have a gift and I should use it. God bless you real bid❤❤❤

  14. Hello Mr Steve Harvey my name is Michael Mendoza and I watch you show most of the time .in writing you this letter because there a woman your audience needs to know about .her name is Kristina Larson and she’s my fiance .this woman is truely amazing she’s my rock and she means everything .I lost my job back in November and been trying to find one ever since and through it all she’s been there .I know she stresses everyday and think about how were gonna pay our bills which just keep mounting.but she never gives up and fights everyday for us to have what we have .she doesn’t let the hard times get to her but I know they are but she just keeps smiling .well anyways she /we have never really had a true vacation .we have never been any farther out of Texas then Oklahoma .I’m veteran and served my country I n the persian gulf .we have always wanted to go on a cruise but we probably never will with the ways things are going .I really never ask for anything but thus woman has done and been through so much I want to be able to take her some where that for a little while will make her forget about everything going on at home and just enjoy herself .she means the world to me and I just want her to know that she is and always will be appreciated .I’m gonna close now before I start to cry .so thank you for reading this and God bless you
    Michael Mendoza

  15. That was an amazing WORD! Thank you Mr. Harvey!

  16. I’ve been cooking since I was a little girl with my mom 2004 my said we need to feed the homeless I know cooking is my gift because it takes no effort and I love it only if I could expand my feeding g good has held it down since then but my mom passed in 2017 and good and I are still going so etimes I don’t know where the meals will come from but God makes a way Everytime feeding is every other Saturday of the month use to be every week but with my health problems had to cut it to that borrowing transportation or getting help now it’s hard because the vision that was given to me is for me no one gets it but God trusted me with this journey so I must see it through I’ve came straight out the hospital to the street to feed people call me crazy no it’s not crazy it’s good they can’t understand the mission be ause they have what they need they think I would like to more just waiting on gods direction I’ve tried to set up can drives at chruch no one’s answers the call tried to purchase a suv of own get easy set up tents but what can you do on disability barley can make mortage bills medication co-pays all I can say is that you Jesus any how no matter what’s comes negative good still makeing a way Everytime to see that they are feed even if I have to go in my own freg take out of my house Steve this message touched my soul this is why I do what I do regardless when God speaks listen may sound d crazy to others just be obedient it will work out for your good I already know everything I need to continue this mission is already done it’s on the way even opening up a house to feed out of and house mothers and children’s recovering addict I know it’s gonna happen because God gave these to me he in trusted me to follow his direction can’t see it but spiritual I know it’s has to come I thank you so much for this it lete know take a stand there’s no excuse no excuse this is my gift cooking serving hofs people matthew 25:35-40 I know I got off the subject some but God but god

  17. Love that speech, Steve.Watch you everyday.

  18. One of God’s Gift To The World. Another Wonder the Eighth. God Bless Us All.

  19. I’m grateful my heart is over joyed from
    What i just saw … This young man motivated
    Me so much that i believe i can do the impossible
    I recently was diagnosed with vertigo and believe it or not i was on
    The verge of giving up…. I was depressed feeling sorry for myself all kinda crap but after seeing this young man I have faith and most of all I believe in the impossible God Bless the both of us!

  20. God Is So Good Some Plp take it for Granted

  21. Thank you sir for u motivation

  22. Thank you so much for those words. Today is good Friday. I’m listening to you about God gave us a gift. God already know our story because he written it. God gave me a gift in baking and I’ve been baking for some years. I’ve been holding back on some of my pastrys. I’m walking on faith that God is going to take me to the next step. One Day I’m going to speak with you and others about my Love in my baking. My Dream is to be in the stores next to Sara Lee, Marie Callender’s, Mrs. Smith so be looking out for Sally Gulley’s Old Fashion Dessert. Let Me Bring Love To Your Table.
    Thank You once again for those encouraging words. Giving God the Glory.

  23. That’s good Steve.

  24. Post retirement I had to get over myself, loss of parents, loss of niece and loss of a 6 CM fibroid, had to go through a period of being able to walk again too, signed up for comedy lessons, they will throw me on stage June 1st, restarted my Marlenes Mannah Blog Talk Radio and just finished an interview with a 98 year old. Love telling jokes. People don’t know that side of me. I used to work in a warehouse picking stock as a single parent, went to school got my BA in Psychology, then Masters in Adm, got married, divorced, 25 years later, remarried again and just celebrated 10 years of married. Wrote a book emptying my soul out called Loosed: You can live again, now reimagining and restructuring my life at 59. If I can do it, the young generations can do it. I’ve done plays Inlaws/Outlaws (on youtube), Monologue in Vagina Monologues, was an extra in A Question of Faith, Greenleaf (appeared as an extra in 2 Seasons), Barbershop 3: The Next Cut; 10 episodes of HLN CNN when they had Mock jurors (volunteered for that assignment), The Haves and Have Nots, If I should die before I wake (Eric Ayala), A Madea Christmas (The Play), If loving you is wrong, and Lord knows where he’s taking me next for his glory. Thanks for being a blessing to so many. Realized this season God will use me through collaboration. He’s orchestrating with whom.

  25. Just retired from govt with 37 years of public service. Worked Obama Hiring Reform Projects, RRA 98 Restructuring Project for the IRS and dedicated many years to setting pay through classification and organization design for thousands of employees during my federal career. My assignments included DLA, SBA HQs, and IRS. Honored to have worked the years worked, particularly through the Obama administration. Blessings.

  26. Dr Mr Harvey
    This comment may NOT find YOU directly
    I HAVE to say (type) YOU have inspired ME so much
    I absolutely LOVE that you share golden nuggets of TRUTH
    I want to dedicate my Life to helping people
    I can’t give much BUT I give everything I have to help
    I would love for you mentor me

  27. #sorry
    I don’t want money
    I want to LEARN
    I’m not rich.
    I just love helping others. Even when I gotta figure out what to eat
    I ALWAYS have a $1 in pocket. I’m good. How can I help others

  28. Well

    Mr. Steve

    After watching take a change on you went you take change self you taking a change on GOD… I’m ready now.

    I have so many skills but always saying don’t have the monies so a business. It’s time my job is paying me less than I was making went I stated. Today is Easter Sunday
    Had no money to buy my three grandchildren anything. not even chocolate rabbit work all week hot paid not lot money just enough to pay the bills….

    Today God allows me to see life differ and thank him for that.
    I’ve learned by one of my grandchildren he said Mini it’s okay as long as we got Jesus it okay…..

    I m going to start to teach circuit machine at my home…


    Can you please set something up for grandparent raising there grandchildren.

    There’s so many of just want a vacation to Disney world.

    With God, help we are holding it together….

    Please keep helping me

    Thank you so much

  29. Thank you, I need to hear that, I was with this men for 17 years and I found the whole time he was never faithful to me. I want to be happy without a man just happy with me. He was the money maker and now I have not a dollar in my pocket and 11 year old son to take care, but I have joy, i rather be happy and broke. I may be at the bottom now but that mean new beginning with new opportunities to enter into.

  30. Hi Steve! My name is Ian Parsons, I’m a current student at Liberty University pushing towards my graduation Fall of 2019 where I’m studying Christian Ministry. In the midst of my schooling, I’ve lost my job, my marriage, and now homeless living out of my car in Tempe, Arizona in the parking lot of Lowe’s. Another semester is upon me starting May 2019 and I really don’t understand why all of this is happening to me as I approach graduation but, I hold on taking it one day at a time. Although I face these odds, I still continue to hold on to my small business, my dreams of making my Mom proud through my gift, and seeing people smile through my gift where I create, make, and sell custom bow ties/neckties/accessories for babies to adults. I started my small business my final semester at a Community College in Virginia when my professor saw something in me by giving me a specific assignment according to the way that I carried myself which was always wearing a bow tie/necktie. Since then, I wake up and go to sleep thinking about ways to help others through the sewn pieces of material that I work with.
    My Mom told me as a child “Ian God gave you many gifts and talents, give them back to Him in all that you do and He will always take care of you”. That’s what I’ve held on to for almost 40 years. I’ve given no matter if I were able or if it were my last. Even now, living out of my car, I carry my sewing machine and material with me, sometimes setting up at local parks where I make my bow ties by connecting a battery pack to my car, plugging in my sewing machine, and working. Where there’s a will, I know that God will provide me with a way! No matter the quantity, I always help others by blessing them by undercutting my posted prices because of what my Mom told me as a child, I love seeing others smile when they receive my artwork. What I do with my bow ties is totally unique, all are handmade, and I put my all into each one. I hold on each day knowing that my breakthrough is coming. I’ve followed you for years and no matter what you’ve faced you kept your head up and pushed through. My Faith in God, What my Mom taught me, your examples, and the smiles of my customers are what keeps me going everyday. Any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated, cherished, and passed along to others who face the same obstacles that I face today by never giving up and holding on to see dreams come true. Thank you Mr. Harvey for taking the time to read this short version of my story and being an inspiration to others like myself. Much love!
    #SteveHarvey #Motivated #Purpose #NeverQuit

  31. I never comment on things because I feel like it never reaches the individual. I know there are usually people who are hired to attend to social media. But, I am going to take a chance (and break my own rule) and say Thank You. I am a single mom who could write a laundry list of disappointments, but every day I pull myself up and try to find positives in a negative world. If not for me, for my daughter. A few years ago, I finally took a chance on God and me for her. I removed myself from an unhealthy marriage to give her and me a healthy start. I have only made it because of God and my family. Countless times, He has taken care of me when I couldn’t take care of myself. He has never once removed His hand from me even when I didn’t deserve it. I know He has greater things in store for me if I just take more chances on Him and me. I know He will provide physically and financially for us. I plan to retire in 6 years from teaching (at 52) for 30 years and I believe the next chapter in my life will find me living His purpose for my life. I just have to figure out what direction that is. Mr. Harvey, your videos speak directly to me. I know I am one of many, but for a few minutes I feel like you know exactly what I am going through. Thank you for being a real person and not just a celebrity. Thank you for taking the time to be an inspiration to me.

  32. Thank You, Steve Keep The Faith!

  33. I am Amanda Nongogo from South Africa. Mr Harvey, I love you! You motivate me each and every time I watch you. Your motivation videos are just life changing, you are real and the advice you give is real. I can not tell you how many times after listening to you I have been motivated to go back out there and try harder, give my best. And you are so funny, I can never get tired of watching you!

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