
Believe In Your Imagination | Motivational Talks With Steve Harvey

God places everything he has for you in your imagination. “It’s the preview to life’s coming attractions” – A. Einstein

What’s in your imagination? What are you adding to your vision board this week?

14 Comment

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  1. Wow! Believe in your imagination that was huge! I was just going to send you Mr Harvey a note on how great you are and I got an introduction of another side of you! That’s so cool! I think your just the Best. I enjoy every show I watch so with that I have to know all your awards. And can I meet you with my family? Had to shoot that one out I’m buying!

  2. That’s the mistake I made all the time. I no longer tell anyone my plans or dreams for the future. They will either put me down or throw monkey wrenches.

  3. Very awesome and I really need to hear that

  4. Thanks for sharing quite motivational I was meant to see this. God is so good

  5. Thanks for always encouraging and inspiring us all to follow our dreams. You’re not just talking about it – this was your life. God knew you’d be the best person to share your story.

  6. That was very big imagination
    I have had an imagination and people did shoot it down
    Thanks Steve

  7. I agree!

  8. Sounds like a Jesse Duplantis message!

  9. Yes Steve that first thought is often from God

  10. very inspirational insight. My inagination is always working andU bever thought of it the way you revealed to me

    Job well dobe

  11. Repeating my comment because of misspellings I appreciate your take on imagination and How it can motivate A person. My imagination is continually working. Listening to the way you
    Protrayed it I understand more now.
    Thank you for a speech ; Well appreciated


  12. Repeating my comment because of misspellings I appreciate your take on imagination and How it can motivate A person. My imagination is continually working. Listening to the way you
    Protrayed it I understand more now.
    Thank you for a speech ; Well appreciated


  13. Oh wow true talk it’s very helpful thanks 🙏

  14. @Ann , you mean Jess duplantis the polevaulter

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