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Faith Makes It Possible

Faith doesn't make it easy, faith makes it possible!

Faith doesn’t make it easy, faith makes it possible! Your success is tied to your relationship with God. YOU HAVE TO TALK TO GOD OFTEN! Talk to God every day, even if you think you aren’t perfect. You don’t have to be in the same faith that I believe in, you don’t have to call God what I call God… but listen to me, you do have to call him. This is your key, quit tripping yourself out, don’t forget to pray!

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  1. I would like to go on the Steve Harvey Show and let the world know how his book changed my thinking. Think like a man changed my thinking and landed me a GOOD husband due to me and the way I approached dating. I have always felt that my physical was all a man wanted and now I chose to go about dating in a spiritual way and now I am married to my soul mate. I was married 5 times and I really want to tell ladies that they don’t have to settle and there are still good men out there. I have more to say but I want to get an interview with someone so that they may see that my story will help a lot of people. I have been through a lot and this is the highlight of my life because I was heavily depressed and God sent him when I had given up on men. Please contact me because I want to help out ladies and I can also tell men that they are letting good women pass by as well.

  2. My God Is An Awesome On Time God He Is There When No One Else Is There On Your Lonlest Nights And Days If No One Else Is There He Is I Am Rasing My 3 Children Ages 4,12,and 19 Got one almost through collage I Have Come To Realize God Might Not Be There When You Want Him But He Always On Time The Stuggle Is Real But So Is God????????

  3. I’m struggling spiritually right now… my faith is being tested… I’m never perfect… I pray and call to God everyday … I thank him for my blessings … but I have been asking for signs and guidance but I feel lost…it’s been a year of struggle and tears and a broken heart… your message came at a time when I’m searching for a little bit of light in my darkness… is this a sign?? I dont know

  4. I truly believe in God. God has helped me a lot through life. I pray every night for God to hold my hand and lead me to where he wants me to be. I am a mother of 7 and have to grandkids. I got married to my last to children’s father, and it’s been really hard. I want so much for my children. But I am all alone with taking care of them. I want a home for them and I work really hard to pay my Bill’s but it’s never enough. I just found out that my husband cheated on me. I want to move on and be happy but I can’t. I can’t save any money to move in a place big enough for us all. I will continue to pray but what advise can you give to me. Steve Harvey please please please please please please help us. I love you Steve.

  5. Amen!!!

  6. I’m blessed always by all your ministrations sir, pls give me a link on how to download your video, audio n books. Thanks n GODBLESS you n your family Sir Steve.

  7. Thank God for Steve’s ???? comment s.keep it coming.

  8. I’m blessed always by all your ministrations sir, pls give me a link on how to download your video, audio n books. Thanks n GODBLESS you n your family Sir Steve.

  9. amen ????

  10. We all are the same Steve . Rip our skin off and we all are the same within . God is one , and yes you are absolutely spot on that we should talk to God often. Many of us take our existence for granted. Life is precious . Enjoy and embrace every moment .

  11. I feel your a great inspiration to all of us around you. Wish l could meet you in person

  12. Thanks so much for all the encouraging messages. Yes, it is so important to talk to God often. I try to as much as can all though out the day when I think of it. Stay blessed Steve.

  13. Mr. Harvey , I can not tell you how much I enjoy watching you every day. Some days you make me laugh and some days you make me cry. I so look so forward to your show everyday.
    Debbie Hicks

  14. It’s true in any relationship there should be God first respect ???? then faith will be in abundance.mr Steve thank you for the motivation and encouraging words I follow you on Facebook and watch most of your videos.my prayers before I die is to one day reach you.i pray God to give me money in plenty so I can travel from Uganda in Africa to the States of America.God bless you sir

  15. Hi Steve Harvey
    I truly want to say I just love everything you do and you always make my/our day happy,you bless everyone with your love and I only wanted to bless you with love and prayers and maybe make your day happy and yes I love to pray although I hardly ever do I know I say a silent prayer no matter what.sml I/we love you Mr Steve Harvey with much love and happy ????

  16. How do you keep faith when you know he can heal you and doesn’t… And why do the babies suffer so? Please help me understand Mr. Harvey

  17. Revelation of how God works isn’t given to just anyone. The Lord as called you as a voice of reason to open the eyes of many. Praise the Lord for you and you blessing. Its contagious….everyone is catching it…i know that God has said “well done good and faithful servants! ”

    You are changing lives internally and spiritually. AMEN

    Your Canadian Sister in Christ Jesus

  18. Steve Harvey you are an inspiration! I’ve downloaded all your motivational videos from youtube and watch them daily!!!

  19. Too often I think that there’s little proof God listen. Many times it’s ME that’s not listening.

  20. Love it! So inspiring! I was sitting here in someone else home feeling like a burden, depressed, feet straight throbbing, and wondering how in the world me and my kids are going to get our own place. I’ve been trying to get us a place to call home for 5 years straight and was about to give up, but then I came across your website when I was looking at people’s stories that they added to. That’s when I heard your uplifting words and you are so right! Well, it’s late and I’m so exhausted and I got to get up and do it again in the morning. I just wanted to say, “Thank God for you and your motivation!” God Bless????

  21. God is good all the time. We can not live in this world without God. Yes Pray every day. Amen

  22. Thank you, I have been struggling.

  23. I just lost my pops but even though the hurt is a lot I still talk to God and the most important thing is to be thankful of everything no matter what

  24. I really appreciate the advise you give , whether it’s on prayer, relationships, or just life in general. It’s very helpful. Just keep doing what you do.


  26. Uncle Steve Harvey, is great man’ and one of those whom are motivating me everyday…. I pray God Almighty gives u long life… So we can benefit more alot from ur words of wisdom! I look forward to follow your footstep. My motive in life is to contribute towards humanity through communication, by motivating and channel people towards God, faith and good behaviour… Pls I need a coach to help me develope my communication skills. If it requires me money get trained I will… Thanks any response from You sir’ will be appreciated.

  27. Amen! We all have the option to customize our relationship with God – everyone’s can be different but it needs to exist

  28. Got to start over again. It’s ok, at least I can. Thank you for your wise words. God is clearly working through you. Keep doing what you do for God.

  29. It is so true to speak to God everyday when you speak to God you get such a comfort in your heart that you have a chance for tomorrow is a god of God is a mighty God I love him so much I speak to him every single day he is my best friend is my mentor is my father it is my friend he is my everything Lord I love you thank you for this message Steve Harvey God bless you are one of my number one fan I listen to you in everything relationship especially your the man God bless

  30. Steve Harvey you preached that thank you i wish my son can be in your camp his 11 years old Steve can we come on show i yoir help. Be encouraged God bless you

  31. Thank you for sharing your faith! It’s been so encouraging!

  32. Steve this is about 2yrs i want to do my own business, but i am adaraid of failing, before i migrate from Barbados i had a business, so i want to get myself bk to doing that again, i am 53yrs old, so i need so inspiration. I dont like working for people.

  33. Amen steve,yes God changes thing’s I have been going through 2/and a have years paying bills by myself rent $12,50 not including light nd gas nd I’m 62 years of age my children didn’t help me ,my fiance was less than my rent sometimes I didn’t have food 2 eat???? but my GOD Made away and I’m grateful to have GOD in my life sometime I struggle now but it’s ok I have The Man witch is GOD upstairs on my side and he has brought me a mighty long ways.AMEN

  34. In a time where the media has condemned speaking out about Christianity in a positive tone, Mr Steve Harvey has the audacity to speak strongly his faith without backing down. I love his message of faith! No shame in his game! Thank you Mr Harvey. You are truly someone I consider for real! Thank you for being a voice in today’s wilderness where the lost need to be led back to the Shepherd.

  35. Amen to that… Nothing but da true…Good night

  36. I love every thing you are about family friends faith if all would share these things in life we would be in a better worldwith no crime no killings no blowing up churches God is here and yup we just have to have faith

  37. Am very happy to be part of you.
    Thanks and God bless.

  38. Awesomeness

  39. Thanks for this uncle Steve. Much respect.

  40. Totally blessed for this message and encouragement from Steve Harvey. God is faithful and we should be faithful to trust in Him.

  41. I needed that.

  42. I talk to God every chance I get. I am still trying to build a relationship with him. Some time I feel I lack faith and trust but I am still trying.

  43. Thank you for the inspirational words of encouragement. Nationality, race, economic status, etc. does not discriminate against anyone in life. I seek God several times throughout the day. I cannot do ANYTHING without Him. I admire & respect your boldness, compassion, & determination to share what’s on your heart about Him to others. Thank You for your hard work & dedication to all your places of employment. God Bless!
    I’m thankful for you allowing your God to use

  44. This so true. God will show where and what to do.

  45. Mr . Harvey I attended one of shows several years ago and I enjoyed it immensely from sitting in the waiting area until you came out with your motivation good bye !!!! What impresses me about is the fact that you are real people very funny an excellent business man and a good Christian !!! I have enjoyed all your works cause you can make me laugh , cry, and think !!! Of course I wish you and your family continued success !!! Be blessed !!! Shalom !!!

  46. Amen If You Got Lots Of Faith It Makes Life Easy

  47. Live what Mr. Steve Harvey does to motivate people. Live what he, his family and supporters do to promote the positive!!

  48. I listen to your morning radio show each day and i watch Steve every morning and i thank you because i see the xhange in my life by keeping the faith and giving my God or God thanks and praise everyday.

  49. I Have a story to share because I LOVE GOD! Well one day I was at work and we have this one girl that was always short with her money, so this one night she was short this may sound crazy but I had two voices talking to me one was saying pay the 5.00 because this time if she didn’t pay it she was going to get written up. Well again I had these 2 voices talking to me one was saying pay the 5.00 then another was saying NO don’t pay that she needs to learn how to count then something (GOD) was saying Brittany you have the money in the car go get it and pay it. Well I went to my car and got the 5.00 and paid it for her. Well the next day at work she tried to pay me back and I was like No you good girl just be careful with your money. So I work at Sonic and we do receive tips. So again the next day this man that’s a regular customer came and we are always messing up his order or forgetting something so he ordered 56.97 worth of food and I had to be the one scan to take his order I would always try to avoid him because he was sooooooo RUDE! Well before I took out his food I asked the person that bagged his food is this all because I’m not trying to have this man yelling at me today she replied yes. Well I went out read him his order and handed him the food, walked back in Sonic and seen this Xtreme tator tots on the counter I asked is this that man’s food the girl said yes Brittany I am so sorry I quickly grabbed it ran outside and started apologizing saying we forgot this he then pulled out an 100.00 bill and said GOD told me to give this to you! CAN NO ONE TELL ME GOD IS NOT REAL. I have a real close relationship with him and will brag on my father every chance i get.

  50. I want to ask god for golfing partner,someone to go out with,play golf,have fun,hang out. be a great friend,maybe some day starting this person…….

  51. Steve thank you …..your my inspiration ❤

  52. Uncle steve you are my best inspiration…….

  53. Mr. Steve Harvey you have been in my prayers for quite a while now, I don’t want anything for myself as I have everything with Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. My prayers are for you and your family to strengthen you at this time in your life, God is not finished with you yet I’m still going to be using you and all of us still need to hear the good things you’re talking about, your son was right when he said the world needs you. You will make it through this time. And become successful on the other side, God will bless you and your family, don’t give up,, God has your back and all of us will be praying for you

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