
Find Your Purpose | Motivated With Steve Harvey

The way to find purpose is you must identify what it is that you have to be purposeful in. Identify your gift.

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  1. I’m having trouble in my relationship

  2. Wonderful

  3. Steve i have had a dream for sometime now of starting my own business in restaurant nothing fancy just a lil county grill I also love to cook but I have no help or support I drop out of school at the age of 18 cause my grandparents health and my goal was a cook im not a top chef but I do some down home cooking can you help me with my goal Thanks

  4. I have really been trying to find my purpose but I can’t grasp it yet it’s there I no cause I feel it but I can’t get it i watch everything you put up and I really listen cause i need help badly fiancé is really stepping out on me but I’m so lost all I have is your motivation and god I really hope in some way this finds you and just maybe you can help me god bless

  5. Steve for some time now I’ve wanted to be a comedian how do I go about starting I feel like I’m to old now but I love to make people laugh please give me some suggestions thank you

  6. You are dark skinned and I am white. You bleed red and so do I. Me too a thousand times I kid you not!! I’ve been crying it out and have been shut up for far too long. Just Google my name and you will see how deep I’m in and that I’m hurting just like you. Maybe we need to show everyone that a man of dark color and a German woman can come together and be friends I’m so tired of the prejudice people who tried telling me that anyone who isn’t white is bad. I know the pain of feeling different and unwanted and my own kind did this to me

  7. I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. I struggling financially to take care of my child and my responsibility since the covid-19 pandemic…
    I want to start a business or go into a job that can build me up financially so I can buy a house.
    I don’t know where to start…
    I need help

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