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Imagination Is Everything | Motivated +

The things that have been in your imagination... you have to start working on them.

When you imagine things, it’s actually God showing you a preview of a coming attraction he has for you. The biggest dream killer is telling small minded people what’s in your imagination. Wondering why your friends or family shot down one of your best ideas? Because God gave it to you and not them.

The things that have been in your imagination… you have to start working on them. These are the gifts that God has for you.

Practically everything we use or purchase started out as an idea in someone’s imagination. Your cell phone, your car, etc. The things in your imagination aren’t there by chance. You have to act on them now.

I hope that you enjoy my new “Motivated +” series, I wanted to give you a little more than my regular #Motivated series. Leave me a comment and let me know how you are going to move on the gifts in your imagination.

41 Comment

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  1. Thank you so much! I really needed to hear this. At this moment .
    I have recently lost my job and I deal with self doubt . Steve some how some way you pop on here when I need to hear some positive things.
    Thank you,

  2. I have a business venture that is really needed in my community. A 24 hour has station. God it’s been on my mind for years and getting stronger every day. I want to do it. I will do it.
    Thank you Steve for this. I will meet you one day a d we will talk!

    1. So 💯 my imagination is mine! I have an amazing 👏🏻 imagination! Thank you Steve Harvey

  3. Steve I need a man in my soon life to help him be a good man.

  4. Malinda F
    Thank you so much for sharing this. It has truly been a blessing to me. I never thought of an imagination having this much effect on our lives. I have been imagining being my own boss for years, and it has come to light now.. I just need to have More FAITH… Thank you!

  5. Steve, I am almost 40 back in college and my kids are upon graduation. So as fearful as that is, your words gave me inspiration. God continue to bless you. Thank you messenger

    1. Hi Steve, I want you to know that I love you, for all you do for people. You are a wonderful gift from God. I would love to order your news letters but I am unable to cause of my income intake. But I do admirer you in so many ways. I watch you all the time and when I am down and out that’s all I have,to do is turn on all my recordings of your tv shows and you always make me feel better and I even have made my daughter do the same. You always say great things and most of all you make us laugh and truly we all need to laugh to get away from the stress of life sometimes. So I just want to say God bless you Steve, God has truly blessed a wonderful man as our are. Let no one step in your way no matter what Steve cause I know you ( Got It Steve). Thank you for being you!!! God bless. Love Nancy

  6. Thank You Steve I wish You The Best in Life With Every Step You Take in Jesus Name I Pray.

  7. These teachers can be so mean but I sure won’t laugh at any child when they tell me something big.

  8. Thanks for this Powerful Reminder!
    You are an inspiration to many and your testimony has become a beacon light to those overlooked and undeserved.
    Keep doing what you are doing!

  9. I needed to hear this. Along with imagination comes faith. Without works is dead. Everyday I work on my gift and the imagination. I have stepped out to open my own salon suite. It’s not big. But it’s big enough for me and my clients. They absolutely love it. It’s been 1 month and my flow has been consistent. I know I will have some slow days but God will also allow me to pull in residual income. My imagination hasn’t stopped. I have something else I want to do in this hair business. I just needed to get it started on those slow days. The negative speakers will be my extra push.

  10. Thanks Steve I. Needed to heat this. When is your next music festival I went to the one in Bermuda in 2006 just wanted to hear Gladys Knight

  11. Thought I left a comment I had a typo it was hear not heat


  12. Just what I needed, a new outlook on my aspirations and faith that it will be realized. This motivational speech done put my imagination into action.

  13. Thank you so much Mr.Harvey!!! It was meant by God for me to hear this message of Expectation and Perseverance today. May God continue Bless you Mr.Harvey and your family!!!

  14. Steve Harvey, you have truly blessed me this was an on time word just for me!God has given me many talents and a phenomenal product idea. I have let fear stop me and trap me. After 10 years of caring for my mother along with my sibling she is home with God. I have no more excuses. Thank you and God bless.

  15. Thanks Steve Very Inspiring And Encouraging Words As I Keep My Dreams And Hope Alive And Give God The Glory.

  16. I have ministry I am accomplishing in my community and asking the Lord spread it all over the world to show mankind the can believe not only in the Lord but themselves as well…

  17. That was a powerful. I was just in bed looking through my email and that one stood out. I needed that motivation more than you know. Please keep spreading your positivity and love for God. Thanks for all your motivation.

  18. Hello Steve, until the age of eight I had a very good speech impediment. I used to call it a bad speech impediment, until I became aware that God made us (seeds) different to grow us (harvest) different. When I saw this video, my eyes filled with tears, I was also teased as a child and at the age of six, I was embarrassed so badly in front of the entire school, I only spoke publicly after that when it was necessary. The God part about that is, I had a voice that would not be hushed and to feed it I started writing secretly. I would write short stories and mostly letters to God. At the age of eight two things happened to change my path, I heard an inner voice say, “You are going to be a writer” and my speech impediment changed from no one being able to understand me to me learning how to think my words before I spoke them. No one taught me this, but by doing it I could speak so others understood me. To this day, I still go through this process in my head before I speak. I stopped writing when I was eighteen after sharing my writing and I was told that it was okay, but they didn’t see how I would make a living from it. I didn’t have the courage nor self-confidence to state that I didn’t write to make a living, I wrote to live. For twenty years after that I didn’t write a single word, until the voice came back and reminded me, “You are going to be a writer.” I recently published a book in February titled, ‘Moving from the Basement.’ It has taken over fifty years to get over that fear of being embarrassed and others disapproval of my work, and I admit I do still struggle but I am a writer, God created me a writer and I will write until there is no stories and poetry in me to write. One day my books and poetry will be read by millions and somewhere someone will hear me tell my story as I heard you today and say, to me as I say to you, “Thank you for reminding me that the basement is not my home, it is only a shadow of my past.” Be well until we meet.

  19. Thank you Steve for being such an inspiration, you know what and how to say positive and motivating things to people who are going through
    hard times, feeling depressed feel like the world is crashing down on them, you have helped me.

    Thank you

  20. Steve I get so much out of your motivational talks. I’m 79 years young I truly believe what you say God got something for me because I am the only child left from my parents. Keep up the good work you are a wonderful motivational speaker. I look forward to hearing you speak.

  21. Mr. Harvey hearing this really motivated me to go after the personal and business things that I’ve imagined. And not just being debt free but live a life of abundance.
    God bless

  22. This is so true. I have so many ideas and organizations I want to start. I just feel like I need to just get in the right room and I could really WOW any investor. God will show me to that room, I’ve already envisioned it. God Bless!!

  23. I received it in the name of Jesus.

  24. I got my GED in 1975 but I was at work one day and met The Glenville Alumni and class staff. I was the one who embroidered the shirts for Glenville Alumni. I spoke to the president of class of 1969 Leta and told her I had went to Glenville but dropped out because I had a baby and got married but I had my GED. She told me once a Tarblooder always a Tarblooder. I stayed in touch with her and a got a message from her asking me if I would be on the committe of “Class of 1969” 50th class Reunion . I lost it. I was soo overwhelmed. I said yes and cried soo hard after I hung up that phone. I got to be on the committee and will be attending my Glenville High School 50th “Class of 1969” Reunion. For this I’m soo grateful. I didn’t walk across the stage but I got my GED and this will be my first time going to my class reunion and most of all being chosen to be on the committee of “The Glenville 50th Class Reunion”. God led me to stay in touch with Leta. I’m soo grateful. God opened doors for me that were unbelievable.

  25. Thank you so much for your motivation and this series. Thank you for being a vessel to get God’s messages to His people. Thank for not giving in to what is going on with networks and those lost opportunities. I truly believe that when you started boldly speaking on God and His promises to us ; that is when doors started to close. I firmly believe that doors will open so that you won’t be confined to speak as others will you to. Your new platform will be greater than before. Keep the faith and speaking it to existence.

  26. Thank you for the encouraging words to keep moving forward inspire of what others do or say….God is in Control…..what a Mighty God!

  27. Mr. Harvey I am grateful for you as a person that God is is using to motivate, teach and uplift. Entrepreneurs like me. I desperately needed to hear this I been trying to open up my daycare business before school starts back feeling a little discouaragement and fear but after listening to you any kind of negativity I fear or hear is non negotiable at this point. I will open up my daycare business for six weeks. & up. Thank you Steve!!????????????

  28. I enjoy reading motivational speeches and quotes. I think the world needs more motivation. The average person doesn’t understand that you shouldn’t share your dreams and goals with everyone because the don’t understand Gods vision for your life. I look forward to reading more your series.

  29. I want to say thank you for all you do your my inspiration I listen to all the time your a great person and I love what you do when I’m down I watch you and you pick me up I’m so hard on myself trying to do right taking care of my mother and my disabled brother that I just get down but you pick me up thank you sir

  30. I do have an idea but I have no idea of how to get started!

  31. I’m getting my CD ready to get my music .on all the platforms to people know I’m a singer and songwriter let my young.know to never give up on there Dreams

  32. Hello . Steve Harvey, you are such a joy, such a pleasure to listen to everyday so positive and so inspiration to me. I started my own business a little over a year ago , my business Custom Lifestyle Home Staging & Redesign LLC, (My Passion)still working at it to get it up and running by myself, with God First! I heard you say this one day and I say this and read this everyday to myself and with a lot of prayers, If Your Mind Can Conceive It , and Your Heart Believes It, You Can Achieve It!! I will never forget that I have it posted in my home and my office. Thanks much Steve Harvey.

  33. Thank You Steve!!!
    You just spoke life back into me again . God has the final say so!!!!

  34. Steve
    Thanks I needed to hear this. I just got confirmation from God .

  35. I’m revived on the inside of me. I keep coming here

  36. I am 79 yrs..and watch your shoes whenever I can catch you on t.v. I respect you very much in the truths you tell. I admire you for the things you’ve accomplished in spite of hard times. I enjoy your comedic talents since I love to laugh. My life has not been easy but God saw me through this far and he’s still waking me up everyday even though I am ready to meet Him. Thank you for being you and motivating those who have lost hope. You are God’s gift to us.

  37. Thank you for the great video clips, very inspirational. Keep up the great work!

  38. Mr Steve Harvey, Your motivation woke me up from directionless life, I thank God for your presence, You are gifted and have made me realise my own gift, Thank You for changing my life

  39. […] Steve Harvey’s story about the teacher that humiliated him because he wrote on that piece of paper that he wanted to be on television when he grew up is a perfect example of how people that don’t see your dreams can crash them. Steve Harvey’s story also reminds us not to let our current challenges discourage us from pursuing our dreams. […]

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