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Make A Vision Board

The bible says to "write your vision and make it plain". If you're not using a vision board to achieve your dreams... start.

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  1. Thanks for the wisdon and motivation !

  2. Steve I watch you every day I love your show halarious ???? really keep me laughing I love you no time to feel depressed or need someone to make me happy not that serious really life is easy. Love your explanation when someone wants money, keep moving really ???? no answer love it!!

  3. Steve,
    Is it possible for you to have a panel of gentlemen to be panalist on your show, like you do with the women.

  4. Steve! I was just named assistant to my choir director which mens i help provide song lyrics to all 5 choirs at second missionary Baptist church where i go brother Duane Mcgee has been very patient with me he knew what my calling was before i did i sing in 3 different choirs 2 choirs at my church amd 1 at lily missionary Baptist church in the summer my favorite music is gospel music i had the opportunity to meet some the great performers and been cellecting gospel cds and cassettes for.years . Steve i am a fan of bishop Rance Allen i had photo taken with him when he was here for the city wide crusade but there are some i didn’t get a chance to meet and that is Marvin sapp and the Clark sisters and the hosts of THE REAL and the Mississippi mass choir.

  5. God ALWAYS gives you weed hat you need when you need it most!

  6. Hello Steve!
    I just want to say that its true what you saying. That is because it happened with me, ever since I was in High School. I am talking about 20 years ago.

    Thank you for those strong words.

  7. Steve i have had dreams all my life. That seem so real but when i wake up i know they wasnt real. But here is the real kicker It may not be a week or a month or a uear but at some point in time what i dream about actually does happen and some times if i catch it before it happens i can change the out come of the situation now i dont k ow if im changen the ripple in time or just the out come of the situation please help on this thaught thank you STEVE !!!!

  8. I can do all things through Christ Jesus that strengthens me q

  9. Yes, I agree 100 % with Steve Harvey. Everything I ever achieved or received came out of the visions that I wrote down, created as conceptual plans, constructed on vision boards, or learned from reading books, articles, or studying successful people. My favorite scriptures encouraged me to strive to be an ENTREPRENEUR by cultivating my communication abilities to define myself as a successful Writer | Blogger | Speaker | Content & Social Media Specialist way before most people had a clue that these things existed as a way to earn a living. My mission as Creative Girl 49 is to help empower other people (especially women and people of color to manifest their dreams into the reality that will enable the to be who GOD created them to be. Because God has equipped me to do this in which is created me to do while I was being formed in my mother’s womb.

    These are the scriptures I wrote down and read on a regular basis in order to fortify my mind and spirit.

    Jeremiah 1:5-6 Before I formed you in the womb, I knew YOU. Before you were born I sanctified YOU.

    Jeremiah 17:10 I, the LORD, search the Heart, I test the Mind, to give every man ACCORDING to his ways, according to the FRUIT of his doings (statements, actions, or labor).

    Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the PLANS I have for YOU, declares the LORD. Plans to PROSPER you and not HARM you, PLANS to give you HOPE and a FUTURE.

    Habakkuk 2:2-3 Write the Vision and make it plain for those who read it to assist you at the appointed time to make it a reality.

    Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

    James 4:10 Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and HE will LIFT you UP.

    James 4:15 Instead you ought to say, “If the LORD wills, we SHALL live and DO this or that.”

    Keep doing what you do and know that your words are truly an INSPIRATION to others. GOD BLESS!

    Jacqueline Waddy-Jones (aka Creative Girl 49)

    PS: The two things that are still on my vision board that I hope to see happen is meeting YOU, Oprah, and Mr. & Mrs. Obama before my 60th birthday in December, 2019.

  10. Loved this great word

  11. I really enjoy watching your show hopefully one day I can become a man just like you

  12. Thank you Steve for your great words of wisdom! God Bless you as you continue to inspire so many people through your media presence!

  13. Sreve i love you and God bless you and family! i wrote you a letter but didnt hear back, its ok im 73 and my dream would be to meet you before i leave this Earth! My great grandbaby loves to sing “hey steve hey steve”

  14. I definitely believe in the word of God. You are right Steve the word stretches our incapability, into Gods abilities. I will start one again I lost focus on manifesting that principal in my life. Thanks for the reminder Steve……

  15. Dear mr. Harvey.
    Love watching your show. You are my inspiration. You give my the strength in everything I do.
    Thank you.
    Ezna k

  16. That you for being so motivational for the youth and for our country. Many words of wisdom and strength that you share. Bless you and your family.

  17. Amen!!!!!

  18. Steve, I love your beliefs! I have a blog called FINDING YOUR GIFT. I handmake visions boards. I totally get it. One day is all I ask if we could meet and discuss natural Gifts. (Yes you are on my vision board) Cant hurt to ask! Have a great day! Overcoming Fear/ from Ohio

  19. Good morning Steve.
    Mr. Harvey you are very good at what you talk about and the things that you do. I pray to be just like you one day. Love you and your shows. May God continue to Bless you.Amen!

  20. I totally understand that if we can not see our goals in life We loose focus and that dream becomes just that

  21. Thanks for the wisdom

  22. Steve.. you are such an inspiration to us all. I feel you are genuine and so down to earth. I love watching your shows.. gives me a good laugh everyday which I desperately need in my life. Thank you Steve for ALL you do through Jesus. Love ya man!

  23. Steve I absolutely enjoy watching your show you provide much inspiration to motivate and information for others to gain from. I know it has helped me a lot . Also I want to thank Jacqueline Waddy-Jones for those amazing verses!!! God Bless you all.

  24. Yeah true! I am refresh and was reminded of my God given vision. Thank you steve! You encourage million of people . I will apply in my life those words that inspire me and seems God is talking to me. I’m watching wonderful preachers on Daystar Chanel . but you are different I’m enjoying watching you and laughing .HAHAHAHAHA! I am really happy everyday and looking to see your videos on YouTube everyday. Wow! What a wonderful gift. God is good! I am happy to know that you are born again Christian at least I’m listening to a son of God. “A Christian ” if not, I will be guilty.
    God bless you Steve !

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