
More Doors | Motivational Talks With Steve Harvey

One thing about me is that I’ve always been resilient. I’ve never been afraid of reinventing myself, here’s the key… When somebody closes the door in your face. All you have to remember is when God allows them to close a door in your face all God wants you to do is walk up the hall.

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  1. Real talk Steve!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Steve I just want you to know that I really enjoy listening to you as well as watching you on tv but my wish and dream is to sit with you face to face. Please and thank you. Who ever read this please tell Steve.

  3. Thank you Steve for that message. When I was terminated from a job by individuals that frankly did not like me, I wanted to kick the door in because I wanted revenge.

    I have always been graceful so walking up the hallways of justice became my revenge. Although justice took a couple years, I prevailed in a settlement with my previous employer.

    Thank God it was not the end of my career and new doors did open!

  4. I thank God for putting You Steve Harvey on this earth. You bring wisdom and humor to All of Us who watch and listen to You. I love your inspirational talks, and I laugh my head off watching Family Fued!! God Bless You.

  5. I had cried and prayed because I’m at a place in my life that I need to ask for help and have asked. Those I thought I could count on don’t have time and tell me you’ll be alright. So I cry some more trying to figure out what I’m going to do. Thank the Lord after I prayed this time I found this video. Hallelujah for the encouragement to move on and stop being afraid. I’m not sure what I have to do but I know I can’t wait for others to give me the okay to accomplish anything to improve my life.

  6. Love these Motivational Moments. Bottom line: trust God!

  7. This is good. It can also apply to Relationships.

  8. excellent

  9. Amen Steve!!!

  10. I love your game shows. I am asking God for what I want (like you said). I was romance scammed. I am praying 🙏🏼. I need a miracle. I am thankful for my family,friends and my health.Continue what you are doing.

  11. Uncle Steve you more than a Blessing for me I listened to all ur motivation I’m I’m not gonna lie I apply every single one of them to what I already have, I really just wanna say thank you…. Happy New year

  12. Thanks! I needed this.
    My job let me go in November, I have start a new job but not really happy where I am. I have bee working on my invention and this is what I love to do.
    I’m moving on a dream trying to make this come true.
    Thanks for the encouraging words and letting god use you!😊

  13. That is very true

  14. Thanks needed to hear that, this walk is no joke, all I have is , keep moving forward ….

  15. Steve, you are a preacher in a different form. GOD bless. Working a screen play that show case your skills with a message that would reach all ages as you are trying to do.

  16. This helped me so much

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