
Rapid Fire With Steve Harvey | My Favorite Movie, Cars I like, Blended Families and More

Rapid fire questions from my Family Feud audience! During commercial breaks, I take the most random questions and answer.

This episode I answer questions about my favorite movie, what kind of cars I like, how did I blend families when I got married, has my sense of humor got me in trouble? And who judges the answers on Family Feud?

Can’t wait for you to hear my answer to “has my sense of humor ever got me in trouble?” ????????

7 Comment

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  1. I love Steve Harvey show I don’t think they have anyone that can place him. I will not be looking at nine of those people they have for the replace him.

  2. I’m addicted to KDrama ????

  3. I love your shows its better than most .what in the world you do so wrong that you got fired? Else else good on tv but reruns. All I say is wow

  4. My favorite movies gone with the win The 10 Commandments, BenHur ,The godfather ,Serpico ,Good day dog afternoon my fair Lady ,And so many more

  5. I’m a very happy person to be able to be able to watch him in my home. I’ve had such a hard, silent, quiet, humble, very, VERY SHY GROWING UP…, and now I can’t wait to get HIM ON MY TUBE!!! He makes a lot of difference in my daily routine!!!! God bless you, you magnificent, beautiful God blessed angel!!!!????????????????????????????????????❣

  6. A dynamo of energy i love this man and the brightness he brings with his inspiration i just need to send him some blue soap for his cussin loool ride onnn steve harvey

  7. Steve Harvey is such a wonderful and funny human being whom I love dearly. He makes mistakes like everyone else, but so what. Heard recently that he won’t be hosting Little Big Shots any more is making me unhappy. What happened? You were so good with those kids, and related well with the show , or so I thought. Oh, Mr Harvey, let’s celebrate your successes and all of the good things coming your way. You’re an awesome leader in your own right, and you have surely inspired others with your inspirational words of wisdom. God is not done with you yet.

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