Shed Dead Weight | Motivated
You can’t get where God is trying to take you because you trying to take everybody else with you.
My Daddy told me “everybody that come with you, can’t go with you.” If you are hanging out with people that’s holding you back, you need to shed the dead weight. You can’t keep dragging people around with you.
That is so true because that’s what happens to me. And I have allow it to stunt my growth now I got to begin to work on my grounds which is me. I have to start removing certain things (people) and start on cultivating myself with God words which is spiritual food which is better than plant food ☺️. And get out of my way to allow him to help me grow into the person that I truly am and I can’t wait to meet that person.????
When Our Human Will submits to God’s Will, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!
Dana Lynn
Uncle Steve, This spoke to me so deeply. I have a quote I wrote that says “The pruning process is uncomfortable but necessary for a fruitful destiny” I am in a season right now where God is eliminating and reducing. I recalled about a month of go or so going to God about relationships that were dissipating and his answer to me was You picked them not me in that very moment of love and discipline I surrendered yes it hurts but I also realized God is not here to harm me he wants what is best for me and for his namesake things have to be done in order and in according to his will.