
Wake Up Right | Steve Harvey Stories


“You’re going to be sheer greatness because you’ve learned how to wake up.” I’ll never forget when John Walker told me that almost 40 years ago.

I was going through a rough period in my life. I had just been laid off and was on unemployment. At the time I signed up for Amway and my sponsor would call me at 5:30AM every morning. I had a bad attitude when he called, I was laid off and couldn’t see my future and it was 5:30AM! One day he called and said “I’m disappointed in you, when are you going to change your attitude? You wake up with a bad attitude, which pretty much explains why you’re having a lot of bad days. I hate that about you, you have so much potential.”

Now that cut me deep, I don’t like anybody – thinking I’m something but I’m acting like I’m not. So the next morning I flip the script. Watch what happens next. Here’s the reason how I became the AM morning radio personality. God turned me into the morning man. ‘The Steve Harvey Morning Show.’”

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  1. I use to see Steve and think to myself this dude fake he funny but he fake but I would always watch him preform when he was on tv or his show that I really loved because he made me feel like I needed to help some needy kids every time I felt like that when I would see or hear Steve crazy because I would always listen he always had my attention and I still would say he fake he not really that intelligent or he not really love n blacks the same as he love them white peoples I would call him an Unkle Tom straight up but again his voice when I would hear it stopped me and I’d listen to hear something clever of he would say something to make me feel like I could achieve it so then I see him on familyfued that really got me or his morning show I would never admit that Steve Harvey was actually giving me good advice he was always talking directly to me like a preacher you know the feeling then one day he tells a story about hope and love for all mankind I realized he was always give n hope and admiration for black peoples give n incurables things to think about he is a true pioneer he made it bottom line I thought I hated him all that time I put him down and all the while he don’t know me from a hair on his ass but he was guiding me to be successful to think of others to humble my heart be kind and most of all don’t judge a book by it’s cover Steve Harvey you are great for the world peoples of color need more great peoples like you you are a great leader thank you for being so inspirational and for showing us you can be successful and still love everyone the same 💯 % I follow you and always consider things like wake up right thank you again I’m now waking up right

  2. Awesome testimony, it has given me something to think about. I will be changing the way I wake up. This is a really powerful word thank you Steve

  3. All I can say and it comes from deep within me. THANK YOU MR STEVE HARVEY.
    I receive it, no question ask.

  4. Thank you Steve!! I am going through a rough time with my 36-year-old Daughter!!!
    I see cusses me out every other day!!
    I’m trying not to let her bring me down but it’s hard!
    This video means a lot to me thank you for posting it
    It cheered me up

  5. LOVE IT!

  6. Hey Mr. Steve now that is a GREAT life lesson. Wow look how God just sets us up in training for the next season of our life. Btw my mom is a HUGE fan of yours she is 72 years young and she can watch your show all day every day.

  7. Praise Jesus
    Good stuff right there.. now!
    I want more

  8. Something positive to run with.

  9. Hello Mr. Steve
    Just wanted to say thank you for the “Wake up Right” episode. Having the right attitude determines your destiny. Being in the right frame of mind can definitely give you a victorious day and never ever forget to thank Jesus for getting you up to see another day. Keep on encouraging your listeners because you truly have a gift from God.

  10. Man Steve you always say just what I need to hear … I’m on my way thanks Steve some great things are about to happen in my life. Starting today 🙌

  11. Hi Mr Steve Harvey
    I saw and Watch your Motivational Speaches, and your animation by hearing this makes me want too get up right for life, you are my second Mentor my first Mentor is Allah (GoD) but he has Given you that extra thing I need and I’m sure others need too. May ALLAH Bless us I mean you and Mrs Marjorie Harvey ,Sister Najmah, and myself to Meet in person real soon We have something we would like to present to you Because you are a special.
    Thank You Mrs Marjori and Mr.Steve Harvey
    AS-Salaam-Alaikum (Peace)

  12. I meant to say a special person

  13. Steve, what happened to John Walker?

  14. Great message that I did not know but I was not alone all my life. I shared the same thought as Mr. Harvey. Help others even if is a small gesture each day.

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