
Rapid Fire With Steve Harvey: Head Shaving, My Legacy and What About An All Kids Family Feud?

Rapid fire questions from my Family Feud audience!

Rapid fire questions from my Family Feud audience! During commercial breaks, I take the most random questions and answer. This episode I answer questions about when is it time to give up and shave your head? Why did I shave my head? What do I want my legacy to be? What about an all kids Family Feud? ???????? Can’t wait for you to hear my answer to this one!

13 Comment

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  1. I have one question. Will family feud be returning this season?

  2. How do my 14 year old grandson apply for the mentoring camp. He loss his dad at 2yrs old and his stepfather is white a d don’t know anything about a black man in America.

  3. Awesome idea! #LUVInItAndSmilimg <3

  4. You know having a kids type of Family Feud would be like a modern day Art Linkletter Show but maybe a little twiste. I’ve never said this before

  5. Steave manyou shore some funny ass dude but you’re the down to earth man I’ve been following your journey of life to see how a black ass dude (your words ) hAs become so successful on my journey of your life it is as I see it it is not very hard first. Respect your parents & every one around you treat people the way you want to be treated be truthful to your self don’t be afraid to call a spade a shovel & if possible help your fellow man woman & child Steve I tip my hat to you SIR ur a beautiful human being the things you are doing for your fellow man is out Standing it’s a shame that there is not more people in this world that have your attitude to wards live CHAMPION You can sit @ my camp fire any time you like & have a CIGAR!! GoD BLESS you your the MAN!

  6. Congratulations on family feud kids. Can’t wait to see it ..

  7. Steave you & PRESIDENT are Two of the BEST Things That has happened to AMERICA ( that’s my opinion ) Both of you should have the theme song Welcome to America Because Both of your Have Showen How it should be done Gentleman tip me Hat to you Both Welcome to my.Camp Fire any time &Have a Cigar!!

  8. Funniest host ever!!! Keep it up Steve! Your legacy will live on!!! Give the kids a try . You just never know? You maybe running all the way to the bank!!! Throw a smart add one in the bunch and they’ll take care of the rest!

  9. My kids would love it! I have 6 and they are ready! We gather around my cell to watch the show and they still laugh at “u-pine” – word that follow pork!

  10. Sounds great!

  11. Just Adore Steve ❤️❤️. He can be mistaken as ” Just funny” but don’t be fooled. He’s Extremely Wise.

    Act like a Lady, Think like a Man. Still my Favorite Book!
    My Bucket List, Meeting him & Talking to him for 5 minutes. # Lupus Sucks! Love you Steve ❤️

  12. You should have a Grandmother Family Feud OMG that would be so Fun and Happy Funny,you should do this Mr Harvey.

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