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Steve Harvey Talks About Comedy Clubs in the 1980s

J. Anthony Brown taught me comedy in 85'

A lot of people don’t know this but back in the 80’s, there were only three black comedy headliners in the US. Byron Allen, George Wallace, and J. Anthony Brown. Watch this behind the scenes look at how things worked in comedy clubs in the 80’s and how we work together now.

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  1. I’m watching the segment were Steve is talking about issues single women haven and dishing out fatherly wisdom.I must say this is one of the best Steve Harvey to date. Steve starts the show off my stating he’s not a trained clinician, but he does possess common sense. It never ceases to amaze me how many women settle in their lives. The point was made, learn to be with yourself. I have been married twice, both instances I did not feel valued; but I value me and made the decision to move on. Thanks so much for reinforcing to women that its okay to stand alone, that what makes us whole is within us. Love of self is the start of finding the right one. Thanks!

    Phyllis Hudson

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