Dating Red Flags! We’re back with Dating Tips with Bela Gandhi founder of Smart Dating Academy. Here are the top red flags you should be on the lookout for. #BelaGandhi has tips for all of this and more!
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Dating Red Flags! We’re back with Dating Tips with Bela Gandhi founder of Smart Dating Academy. Here are the top red flags you should be on the lookout for. #BelaGandhi has tips for all of this and more!
Dating Over 50! This is a good topic. We’re back with Dating Tips with Bela Gandhi founder of Smart Dating Academy.
Wondering about love after 50? Confused about dating sites? Need help setting up an online dating profile? Bela Gandhi has tips for all of this and more!
Watch more Dating Tips with Bela Gandhi on Let me know what you think. Better yet, drop your dating and relationship questions for Bela in the comments.
Bela Gandhi is a dating and relationship expert, founder of Smart Dating Academy and a weekly media correspondent. She is the dating expert on the Steve Harvey Show, Relationship Insider for, a regular contributor to the TODAY Show and Good Morning America, and appears frequently on ABC, NBC, Fox, CNN, and more.
To learn more about Bela and how to get your dating on, visit
Here’s a new episode of “Dating tips with Bela Gandhi” founder of Smart Dating Academy! Dating style, 4 rules to live by. Ever wonder what should I wear on a date? Bela is going to give you the fool proof answers that will work every time whether you are a woman or a man! When you look good, you feel good. For more tips watch Dating with Bela Gandhi or visit
Dating advice is something that I’m known for. I give it to you straight, no chaser. I’ve had a lot of fun on my show with dating segments, and I’m even known as the Chief Love Officer. You’ve seen dating and relationship expert Bela Gandhi on my show many times. I asked Bela to join me on exclusively for dating tips and relationship advice. You’re going to love this!
Check out Bela’s first Steve Harvey digital-exclusive: “Dating Mistakes” Five of The Biggest Mistakes Men and Women Make. Let me know what you think. Better yet, drop your dating and relationship questions for Bela in the comments.
Bela Gandhi is a dating and relationship expert, founder of Smart Dating Academy and a weekly media correspondent. She is the dating expert on the Steve Harvey Show, Relationship Insider for, a regular contributor to the TODAY Show and Good Morning America, and appears frequently on ABC, NBC, Fox, CNN, and more. To learn more about Bela and how to get your dating on, visit
Bela Gandhi is a dating and relationship expert, founder of […]
As the CLO – Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey wants […]