Brain Drops
Brain Drops: Haters
Don't hate the player; change the game.
Do not stop for haters, I repeat do not stop for haters. Just keep going, don’t allow people o determine your outcome.
Brain Drops
Do not stop for haters, I repeat do not stop for haters. Just keep going, don’t allow people o determine your outcome.
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Awesome!! Hate comes with the plate Uncle Steve!!!!!
I love the quote “Keep your haters in your classroom”. That’s so true!
Hey, Steve
Remember, the story about Joseph in the bible, his brothers hated him and looked what happed he took care of them all. There will always be haters. Got it Steve, keep passing the truth on!
How can you hate on someone who does so much for the community? People don’t have to live with you so why waste time hating on you? Instead see the good in someone you do not know personally. Oh yeah the blogs and gossip columns are not a good source! Save that energy for something good. Hating will not stop someone’s blessings and hard work. Keep doing the wonderful things with your foundations and specifically my favorite mentoring young boys who have no male figures in the household. You do so much for others I can’t wrap my head around the haters!
Haters should motivate anyone to stay on their grind; give them something to hate.
Steve I listen to your show every morning faithfully. Thank God he guided me to listen closely today. I love this quote “Keep Your haters in your classroom” even listening to you say how many people would love to see you fall. I am 50 years old an in a few days (December 15th) Thanks be to god I will be receiving my “Masters of Science Degree in Digital Forensics and Cyber Investigations”. Steve you have been an inspiration to many. I will be sure to keep my haters #some family members#friends#associates in my classroom. Thank you steve I will faithfully read this website for inspiration. You are a blessing.
WOW!!! This is so on point!!! People will smile in your face meanwhile they trying to take your place!!! We need to put them in a classroom and teach them to be happy for one onother. Teach them to love and not hate. Teach them self happiness not to hate. They need to reach out and say how can I help, how can I learn from you? Teach our children so when they grow up they won’t be haters, they become creators of humanity. Teach them to respect each other and not bully. Let your light continue to shine Steve for through you others learn and want to be just like you…..A Blessing, A Man Of Wisdom, One who gets pleasure in helping and seeing others succeed. You are a Godsend!!! I Salute You And Margie!!! Love you guys!!!????????????????????????????????????
I won’t Mr Steve. I am willing to change the game. From South Africa.
I used to watch Family Feud for while, but then I saw a clip of you, Steve, with this woman singing a gospel song.’
You were acting as if it was great and you really believed what she was singing. But I do not know how someone
who professes to be a Christian can be on a show with so much smut that is portrayed in the questions and
answers on that show. If it is a clean question, you always put a spin on it to make it off-color. “Would Jesus actually say this or think these lewd things? I am sorry but the Bible does not allow this. So in order to be a true Christian you would either have to get off the show
I am sorry but the Bible doesn’t say so. So in order to be a true Christian, you would either have to get off the show or clean it up. This is
just my opinion, but I do know what the Bible says and that is not part of it. Sincerely.
I learn so very much by listening to the great motivational things that Mr. Harvey have to say. Regardless of what negative things that anyone has to say about Steve, he’s proven to me to be a marvelous, patient & genuine man. Keep doing Great Work!!! ????????????????
. Keep doing Great Work Mr. Harvey!!! ????????????????
Thank you Mr. HARVEY
I have a hater, didn’t know me, but hated a truck side cashier and her manager of the truck stop. Just for clarification for others this is in Idaho and the women were black. He was 3 times my size, I don’t know how to fight physically. He was brutal with words from his mouth and wouldn’t take his change from no black you the picture for the words he used. After 15-20 minutes of this and him escalating I walked up to the cashier and said “I’m not all like that child. I’m sorry you have to put up with this dribble in your lives. I asked her if I could give him the change and please don’t be offended by what I do
I shook the money over the counter, I walked in a circle and then said “Boy, I got rid of the cooties from this money. Do yowant it or do you want me to keep it.” He started raising a fist, my husband got close behind me and folded his arms. He was also bigger than my husband. A man with any intelligence knows be very careful around small guy if you think you want to fight. He didn’t say anything just took the money and left. I paid for whatever I had purchased and my husband, Larry, paid for his fuel etc.. I apologized to the cashier and her manager again for using the word cooties in reference to them. They said they didn’t know white people used those words. I didn’t believe her, but that’s ok. My husband then claried it even more to them “She doesn’t tolerate hatred of God’s children, any of them. My children are very racist, she told them if your racist it’s your problem, I don’t want to hear it. You’re your father’s children, your father isn’t racist so please keep your thoughts on other ethnic groups to yourself. Because of my beliefs, that’s what I tried to teach my children. My youngest son hated Indians, Natives, until he found out he was part one. My daughter has one son who is 1/2 Chinese and 3 younger children who are 1/2 Vietnamese. They are all adults now. Nice long comment, but fits in with there are times you need to step into hatred.
Mr.Steve Harvey, absolutely I admire your realness and I’m a fan of your radio show, Haters can even be motivators as well…like watch this hater.
Amazing all those uneducated jackasses that swarm to an ignorant black man. Haters? You motherfuckers need to buy a big enough mirror to see the real haters reflection. There WILL NEVER BE a time when blacks like these will ever be free or liked. You talk love and tolerance but give none. If this is the person and stupid fucking bearded killer, rapist, lying, stealing ass eating god you talk about, you will always be the dried up dog shit on the sidewalk we all know you to be. HATERS? I wouldn’t say haters as much as intelligent bullshit recognizers of ghetto ministers.