Sometimes you just have to JUMP! Life is going to be hard either way. Focus your efforts on being successful.
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Sometimes you just have to JUMP! Life is going to be hard either way. Focus your efforts on being successful.
God passes out grace, His unmerited grace. You can’t earn it, you can’t buy it. That’s why you hear old people talk about the old song “”…all I want is a little more grace…”” If I could ask for anything more in this life – I’d as for more GRACE!!!!!!
Ain’t nothing bigger than your FAITH AND YOUR DREAMS!!!!
What are you waiting for? God has a great life for you but you have to get yourself in a position to receive it.
Don’t let anything or anyone get in your way! 2022 is your year, believe that!
2022 is your year, believe that!
You have to keep going, you just never know when God is going to flip the switch. He can’t tell you when he’s going to flip the switch because it would destroy the one thing that he requires from you. FAITH!!!!!
You have to use the law of attraction when you save and invest. What you put out, you attract.
God designed us to live for today. The thing that I’ve mastered over the years…. not worrying about tomorrow. When you worry about tomorrow, you’re putting a burden on yourself that you’re not built to carry.
Most people don’t understand the steps that it takes to be successful. It takes a long time to make a lot of money. People look at my success now but miss the broke and homelessness part of my life. Keep your head up and reach your goals.