Wake up every day and go down a list of things and tell God what you are grateful for.
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Wake up every day and go down a list of things and tell God what you are grateful for.
Don’t ever stop dreaming.
Sometimes you just have to JUMP! Life is going to be hard either way. Focus your efforts on being successful.
If you could just keep believing when nothing is working… If you can manage to keep HOPE.
“What level of success is good without being famous?” My man Rubin Ervin is in the business of making people happy. He does the warm-up on 16 in a year and he makes A LOT of money. That’s his gift.
I had a friend growing up all he did was cut grass. $2 for the front and $2 for the back. We used to call him “Clipper.” Clipper is 62 now and he makes $4 Million Dollars a year. Check out the story of Clippers.
I’ll be honest with you, this life wasn’t even in my imagination. What I imagined my life was going to be… God then… took this thing to a whole nother level.
God passes out grace, His unmerited grace. You can’t earn it, you can’t buy it. That’s why you hear old people talk about the old song “”…all I want is a little more grace…”” If I could ask for anything more in this life – I’d as for more GRACE!!!!!!
Ain’t nothing bigger than your FAITH AND YOUR DREAMS!!!!
Passion Vs Gift. Know the difference, you got to be careful out here.