Tag: achievement

Steve Harvey Stories | Success Is Like An Acorn

I asked Joshua and Chaz to help me tell some[...]
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Coat Your Mind In Positive Thinking | Motivated

You are the captain, the master, the foreman, the general,[...]
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Reaching Your Potential | Motivated

God gave you a wonderful gift at birth. Yes, we[...]
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How To Block Negative Thoughts | Motivated

Your track record of surviving bad days is 100%. You[...]
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At 9 Years Old I Knew I Would Have The Steve Harvey Show

As a child, every morning my mother would come into[...]
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God Has A Path For You

Everything you are going through is preparing you for what[...]
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Imagination Is Everything | Motivated +

When you imagine things, it's actually God showing you a[...]
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If You Change Your Attitude It Will Change Your Altitude

If you're like me, you're constantly trying to improve yourself.[...]
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